Post date: Jan 1, 2015 4:58:31 AM

Congratulations because God had honored you and had promised to honor you again. He had blessed you and will bless you again; He had sustained you and will sustain you again; He had promised you and will fulfill all that He had promised. He had given you the chance to speak your desires and He will enable them to be fulfilled in your life. Congratulations and welcome to a year of new and better experiences of joy in your life, old things had passed away.

The good things that others will not see, you will see; the good news that others have not heard, you will hear and will rejoice exceedingly in what the Almighty God will do in you through the year 2015. “I am the Lord, your Holy One, Israel’s Creator and King. I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea. I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses. I drew them beneath the waves, and they drowned, their lives snuffed out like a smoldering candlewick. But forget all that, it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new, see, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:15- 19

You have made it through and you will rejoice in it throughout. The God who gives life had granted you the peace and the grace you deserve to move forward and be established in the blessings He will give to you this year. You are not entering 2015 as a victim of any circumstances, you are entering it with all diligences as a victor and a conqueror through Christ Jesus; you are not entering with the baggage of sadness, but with the assurances of divine joy, divine celebration, divine connections, Godly presence, Godly glory and overflowing testimonies of praise to your God. Sadness had been deleted from your life the very second you stepped your feet into the year 2015.

In 2015, God will open your eyes to see good things; He will open your mouth to speak better things; He will give you the strength to achieve what you had been destined to achieve; He will give you the grace to flourish in His wisdom, in His knowledge, and He will establish you on a godly foundation that will stand the challenges to come.

You are not entering 2015 with a bunch of confusion in your thoughts, but with clarity of purpose and certainty of good results through the enabling grace of God. You are not entering 2015 weak, but strong through Christ. You are not entering this year with sickness, but you are entering with the assurance of good health and divine healing. Through grace in Christ Jesus, you are entering 2015 with happiness from on high, with peace from on high, with a voice of glorious declaration from on high, and with the power of God from heaven enveloping you all round. The innumerable company of heavenly angels are with you from day one and onward to assist you, to help you, to defend you, to deliver you, to support you, to guide you, and to ensure you do not miss your way, you do not miss an opportunity, you do not throw away a chance and you do not arrive at your destined point of blessing late.

Deliberately refuse to carry along with you the hatreds, bitterness, ill feelings, the memories of evils, and the frustrations of 2014, they will hold you captive and will bring you down. Decide to fully enjoy your God and to fully enjoy the life He is unfolding before you now. Decide to walk in obedience and to support everyone that glorifies and exalt His name, knowing that none of your sacrifice will go unrewarded. Know that God’s eyes are with you every day and everywhere and decide to please Him in all your actions and thoughts. Congratulations, God will keep you; He will protect and will bless you in 2015. For prayers, Click here