Post date: Jul 9, 2018 4:44:00 AM

The power of your tomorrow is the desires of your heart today; the blessings of your tomorrow is in the desires of your heart today; what you will be tomorrow is in the desires you have in your heart today; what you will do what you will manifest, and what you will become tomorrow are in the quality of the desires in your heart today. Your desires are powerful in many ways and they can make a difference between your today and your tomorrow. Do not allow the devil to destroy your faith in the Almighty God with his tricks and unrelenting attacks on your person and on the things that belong to you; do not allow him to take away the godly desires of your heart even with his several forms of hindrances, frustrations, delays, and disappointments; it is certain that Satan is never a friend of the children of God and he will never change his stand on that; he may give you troubles that are beyond your imaginations; he may take away your strength, take away your joy, take away your job, destroy your finances, sharter your hope, your dreams, your plans and everything about and around; he may cause you to suffer loss, suffer injustice, humiliated at home and in the public, and be shamefully treated by friend and family; but in all that he will ever do to you, never let him take away the desires of your heart. He may force you to close your mouth, deprive of your finances but let him not destroy the desires of your heart.

In whatever that Satan will do against you, know that God can undo them, and God will do them in an amazing way that Satan himself will not understand how. Because the desires in your heart is a gift from God to keep you hopeful and expectant, God will bring you to the place or a season of opportunity that your desires had been waiting for. Those desires in your heart will one day meet the right person to hear them and the right opportunity to manifest them. Did you know great miracles can happen through the expression of the desires in your heart to the right person in that right time and in the right place? Did you know prayer is mainly the expression of your heart desires before the Almighty God? Did you know your desires can change you and change your situation for the best? Did you know God purposely gave men the ability to desire things and the ability to express those things they desire? Your desires are powerful and they are strong enough to force things to happen in the right direction. Though God’s love and actions are not dependent on the best of your heart desires but dependent on His own desires, His plans and His purpose for your life, He had promised to grant your desires in his words.

Jabez, though physically deformed and humiliated by Satan and rejected by family and friend, but his desires were not destroyed, at the right time he expressed his heart desires before God in a sincere and precise prayer and God granted them. Blind Bartimaeus did the same thing also before Christ Jesus and his sight was restored. Let me I assure you, God will grant those desires in your heart, do not forget them. “In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm. May He send you help from his sanctuary and strengthen you from Jerusalem. May He remember all your gifts and look favorably on your burnt offerings. May He grant your heart’s desires and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy when we hear of your victory and raise a victory banner in the name of our God. May the Lord answer all your prayers. Now I know that the Lord rescues His anointed king. He will answer him from His holy heaven and rescue him by His great power. Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm. Give victory to our king, O Lord, answer our cry for help.” Psalms 20:1-9. For prayers Click here