Post date: Jul 15, 2015 2:32:02 AM

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch upon the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3. Exposing your enemies is nothing new with your God; exposing their activities is nothing hard for Him to do: exposing their plans and intents against you is nothing impossible for Him to do for you. He knows the strength of your enemies, He knows their hiding places, their activities and He knows all your efforts to stand against their plans, but He is not leaving you alone against their plans and plots to destroy you.

Allowing your enemies to plan evil against you does not mean they will succeed, allowing them to try it on you does not mean they will overcome you, allowing their activities to go on does not mean He does not see them, but despite their strength, their knowledge and their activities, God will surely defend you, He will definitely deliver you, and he will expose them before you very soon. In exposing them, He will give you the grace to stand up again and have the dominion over them in the areas they have been dominating your life.  

When the enemies bluntly refuses to leave you alone, when they refuses to hear God’s command not to harm you, to leave your life alone, and when they refuses to comply to His directives to bless you instead of harming you, God will thereafter begin exposing them in a way they never expected and humiliate them in a way they will never forget. He will expose them openly and will humiliate them in the full view of the people around them.

Before God gave Job the seven fold blessings, Job had refused to follow the words of their ways and blame God, he had refused to curse God and he had remain faithful even in state of his pains and confusion. When you walk with God faithfully in obedience, there is nothing that God will not do to set you free from the powers of darkness. Besides, the salvation of your soul is a deliverance from the powers of sin, of Satan and of darkness.  

God exposed the three friends of Job as enemies after they failed to convince him of the reasons of his suffering being as a result of his sin against God; God thereafter commanded them to do what they never thought of doing in the first place to Job. What God did in the life of Job was amazing and He will do it again in your life as you hold on to Him in prayer and in faith. Exposing your enemies is one victory, what you know of them is another, and what you do with what you now know is another. That is where you will need God’s knowledge of scriptures and Christian morals to be corrected and to continue in the way He had destined for you

This was the action and prayers of Job: “But for as long as I draw breath, and for as long as God breathes life into me, I refuse to say one word that isn’t true. I refuse to confess to any charge that’s false. There is no way I’ll ever agree to your accusations. I’ll not deny my integrity even if it costs me my life. I’m holding fast to my integrity and not loosening my grip, and, believe me, I’ll never regret it. Let my enemy be exposed as wicked. Let my adversary be proven guilty. What hope do people without God have when life is cut short? When God puts an end to life? Do you think God will listen to their cry for help when disaster hits? What interest have they ever shown in the Almighty? Have they ever been known to pray before?  I’ve given you a clear account of God in action, suppressed nothing regarding God Almighty. The evidence is right before you. You can all see it for yourselves, so why do you keep talking nonsense? I’ll quote your own words back to you: This is how God treats the wicked, this is what evil people can expect from God Almighty: Their children, all of them will die violent deaths; they’ll never have enough bread to put on the table. They’ll be wiped out by the plague, and none of the widows will shed a tear when they’re gone. Even if they make a lot of money and are resplendent in the latest fashions, it’s the good who will end up wearing the clothes and the decent who will divide up the money.” Job 27:3-23. For prayers, Click here