Post date: Feb 23, 2015 4:59:23 AM

When God promised to give Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan, He was ready to do wonders for that to be fulfilled if only Abraham will believe and follow Him without giving up hope and without allowing himself to be frustrated by what he will see and experience in doing so. When He promised him and his Sarah a son called Isaac, He was quite ready to do wonders even when time and age want to stand as a barrier. When He promised to increase and to multiply them exceedingly, He was quite ready to do extraordinary wonders in the land even when and where draughts and famine will want to resist Him. When God asked Abraham to circumcise himself at the age of ninety nine, He was about to do the wonders they had expected since the day they believed and followed Him; when He asked him to offer that same Isaac as a sacrifice to Him, He was about to open the doors of endless provisions for them. When He told him of Sodom and Gomorrah, and engaged him in a conversation concerning Lot and his family, He was ready to do wonders in that place.

The day God opened the door for your salvation, that same day He was ready as before to begin doing wonders in and for your life. The day He washed your sins away with the blood of Jesus Christ and delivered you from the guilt that had been against you, that same day, He was quite ready to begin doing wonders in your life. The day He asked you to separate yourself and consecrate your heart and desires to follow Him, that same day, He was ready to begin doing wonders in and through you. Whenever God ask you to do something extraordinary, know that He is also ready to respond positively with extraordinary wonders. Whenever He engages you in a conversation concerning anything, anyone, and any situation, know that He is ready to do wonders to fulfill all of His words if you will ever believe and follow what He says diligently.

Our God is still changing souls today as it was in the time of Jesus Christ on earth; He is still transforming the lives of people in remarkable ways, giving hope to the hopeless, giving comfort to the afflicted, restoring the rejected in the society to life and giving them something to rejoice at and to desire living longer. He is still blessing people beyond what others are looking for and expecting in their lives; He is still raising people beyond their best dreams, empowering and taking people beyond their profession limits and training expectations. He is still opening new doors, closing old doors, forgiving past sins, restoring lost dreams and aspirations, making good and perfect that which men and the devil had rejected and made imperfect. Our God is still doing miracles, He is still doing signs and wonders, and He is still making His goodness available to all His children, and to those who will ever come to Him in true repentance and dedication to of their hearts to follow Him.  

Despite your dreams and your expectations, despite your weaknesses and your pains, despite your location and your status in the society, despite your frustrations and disappointments, God wants you to expect something new through the working of His wonders; He want you to expect something more than what you currently have through the wonders of His increase; He wants you to expect something better than what is currently going on, and He wants you to expect something more glorious, more excellent, more powerful and more praise worthy. He wants you to have a better life, a victorious life and a peaceful life. God wants the very best for you irrespective of your location, your profession, your language, your gender and your nationality.   

When God asked Moses to confront Pharaoh with His word, He was ready to do wonders; when He asked him to take the Children of Israel out of Egypt; He was ready to defend them, to guide them, to feed them and to deliver them in the wilderness. He was ready to divide the Red Sea and river Jordan, and He was ready to pull down the walls of Jericho. That is the God you are serve today. “I will do wonders never before done.” Exodus 34:10. For prayers, Click here