Post date: Nov 30, 2012 5:39:52 AM

The grace which transforms exceedingly is that which comes from the divine throne of God and it is unhindered and very rewarding. It is the blessings that come only from above regardless of any personal merit, effort, location, nationality and race. It accompanies strong believes in the word of God, personal humility, faith and consistency. The unmerited grace at salvation brings us to the outpoured grace and blessings of obedience. It opens the door of heaven for us to go in and ask whatever we want in faith; it also opens the window of heaven for us to receive the promised blessing. It is given by God, made available only through Christ and enjoyed by all Christians who will strongly desire it through humility, faith and consistent believe.

Grace is still working in our days as it did in the days of the Apostles. It is still very effective as it was on the day of our salvation. Peter, a beneficial of God’s amazing grace, who strongly desires believers to be outstanding and blessed in this life, admonishes us to always seek to grow and increase in God’s divine grace: “But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him be glory, honor, majesty, and splendor both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it). 2 Peter 3:18

Peter was distinguished and elevated through grace; he thereafter grew in grace to become the leader of the Apostles. His subsequent ascent to the leadership was a result of a strong desire to grow in knowledge and understanding of our Jesus Christ. Speaking openly to the Peter, Christ told him in the presence of other Apostles “He said to them, but who do you say that I am? Simon Peter replied, you are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Then Jesus answered him, blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are you, Simon Bar-Jonah. For flesh and blood have not revealed this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven. And I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades (the powers of the infernal region) shall not overpower it [or be strong to its detriment or hold out against it]. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you loose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:15-19. Christ acknowledged the growth in Peter and rewarded him with that statement. Grace brings God’s reward.

When grace goes before you, you enjoy unmerited mercy and favor even in the time of great distress and lack in the land; it opens doors granting you opportunity even when confronted with impossibilities and disappointments. It brings low to your reach things that were seemingly too high and lofty for you to attain. Grace is a spring board that takes you far above the elements of failure, limitation and human help.

Grace gives life and keeps alive that which had long been forgotten. That was the grace of divine obedience that Noah enjoyed, despite the flood that destroyed the entire world and all human beings in his time because of disobedience. That same grace in obedience and following the divine word of God is still available for you today. Lot enjoyed that grace of resisting evil in his time. Not following the masses, but strongly holding to God in a perverse world and place on earth. God sent His angels to take him and his family out of that place at the right time. That same grace is available for you today to enjoy. We read about Abraham and Sarah, who through consistency and faith, found grace to have a child even at a time that was, and is still impossible to have a child. Grace enhances and quickens God’s reward and blessing. When we grow in God’s grace, we diminish in pride and sinfulness. Let us hold fast our confession and the faith that is in Christ Jesus and that divine distinguishing grace will be made available to us in an increasing measure. Receive the grace to end well in Jesus name. Amen. For prayer Click here