Post date: Jul 17, 2015 3:03:57 AM

If it was never possible to be accomplished, God would never have told you in the dream He freely gave to you in the first place; if it was never possible, God would not have given you all the grace you needed to remember the dream and all the ability you need to begin implementing the dreams; if it was never very possible, God would not have given you the ability to persist and to press on till this very date and time despite all the frustrating humiliations, all the shameful encounters with undue disappointments from people with evil intents against your progress, all the annoying denials from people you have trusted and look up to all these years, and all the un-heard-of delays of just one dream and desire; if it was not possible, God would never had sent our Lord and savior Jesus Christ into the world to show us the way, to lead us on that way and to save our souls from various satanic and devilish institutions seeking to destroy us.

There are many things we will not be able to do in life despite our efforts, but those inabilities does not mean those things are completely impossible for us and so we become failures; your inabilities does not in any way make you a failure or count you out of the program of God for your life. What is impossible for you now might not be impossible for you tomorrow or in the nearest future. The God we serve works with time and knows the exact time to open the doors wide enough for your expectations according to His words and promises to be fulfilled. He told Abraham and Sarah in His love that they will have a son called Isaac, but He waited till they were well advanced in age before fulfilling those words. All through those years of waiting, God never backed out in the promise, Abraham never gave up hope on that promise though Sarah doubted because of her age and what she knew about conception and her several failed attempts. It is good to know that though Abraham had other children through other women, he never made the mistake of naming any Isaac until the child that Sarah gave birth to was named Isaac. How consistent is your hope? How consistent is your faith? How consistent is your expectation? How long will you be ready to hold on to God for a miracle? What limit are you ready to go in holding unto that one promise from God, holding on to that one dream, that one vision, and that single desire to wait for the promise to be fulfilled?

The devil will do everything he can to resist you but that does not mean it is impossible for you to find success. People will do all they could to resist you in many ways and in many things, they will confront your ideas and your thoughts, they will frustrate your plans and fail to support your project, but that also does not mean it is impossible for you to have the victory in that same project and even in that same place. People will call you the names you never owned and never knew; they will abuse you with the sole intent of making you run away from them, from the dream, from the vision, from the project and from your desires, but that does not make you a mistake and does not make your project a failure. Because God said it, it is possible and the works and desires of the devil will not be able to turn it otherwise. 

“In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God. The disciples were astounded. Then who in the world can be saved? they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, humanly speaking, it is impossible, but not with God. Everything is possible with God. Then Peter began to speak up. We’ve given up everything to follow you, he said. Yes, Jesus replied, and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property, along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.” Mark 10:25-31. For prayers, Click here