Post date: May 27, 2015 4:00:04 AM

When they asked why, Christ did not scorn them; did not abuse them for daring to do that; He did not condemn their action and boldness, and did not call them unpleasant names: at their request, He gladly gave them the exact answer they needed to prepare them hopefully for another chance to act. Don’t be sad when you find yourself asking God why in any situation even when He fails to give you the answer you expected; don’t feel let down by the reasons pushing you to ask the question often; don’t feel let down when such situation persist, you will have to persist in asking also; don’t feel ashamed of yourself, ashamed of your God, and ashamed of your divine responsibilities even when the delay persist, refuse to quit believing and trusting God; refuse to allow the weight of the situation destroy your character, your dreams, visions, desires and your expectations for a Godly intervention and change. You were not born with those challenges and even if you were born with them like Jabez, God can still change them.

You may have exercise all the faith you know in order to move your mountain without success, but the failure of the mountain to move does not make you a failure; you may have used all the faith you ever had to address that same issue over the years without having or seeing what you need manifested, yet that also does not make you a failure; though people do think and may have said to you directly that you look like a failure because of the things happening to you now; God is about to prove them wrong by taking you beyond those things that made them declare you a failure in the first place; God will answer your why; He will give them a reply and will prove that He is God in your life despite the things that had refused to move in your life all these years.

When His disciples asked why, Jesus Christ gave them an answer; when the father of the sick child asked why, Jesus Christ gave him an answer and He will also give you all the answers to the things you have been asking why and expecting after your prayers. God will not keep silence indefinitely in your situation as He did not keep silent in that of others. “Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, why couldn’t we cast out that demon? You don’t have enough faith, Jesus told them. I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.” Matthew 17:19-20. Christ Jesus told them, faith can move all mountains; faith can make a way for the impossible to take place and faith can ensure the manifestation of every promise, every dream, every expectation and all believes.

Though Christ Jesus told His disciples lack of faith was their impediment in healing the boy, He did not leave them without hope and assurance for next time. Though He told the father of the sick boy that lack of faith was an impediment, He did not allow him to go back home without healing his son; that is the same God you serve today; that is the same God you call on every day in prayers, and that is the same God you are asking why in this present situation. Our Lord Jesus Christ will always be merciful and will show mercy. He will not allow anyone who come to Him to go empty handed when they have no faith but only believe; He will not allow them to remain in the situation they brought to Him indefinitely; that is what He will for you.

You are not alone in asking why in your situation, the disciples of Christ Jesus, who sat on the same table with Him, walk close by Him daily, shared the same food and other things together with Him one day find themselves asking why; as a Christian, you are not forsaken by God when things are not going according to your expectations. Giving up is one the reason we are declared failures. As long as you keep trying, one day you will have the breakthrough; as long as you keep asking. One day you will have all the current answers you desire; as long as you keep knocking definitely one day, the doors will be open; and as long as you keep seeking, you will definitely find. That is God’s expectations for you. For prayers, Click here