Post date: Sep 9, 2013 4:01:53 AM

Has anyone told you it will be impossible? That is true only if God had not spoken to you about it and if you are not in partnership with Him to overcome that impossible situation. Christ Jesus said, “Whatever you ask, that I will do” that is a tall order with great respect that can never be faulted by the devil. Prayer is God calling on man to partner with Him in doing extraordinary things on earth, in your life and in the lives of others, doing things that had previously been termed out of reach and impossible for you or anyone else to accomplish.

This call does not show any weakness but an act of immense love to man in order for God to see what you see, feel what you feel, judge what you judge, accept what you accept, condemn and reject what you condemn and reject. That is what the partnership will always produce. It requires you having the right understanding, the right views, and the right expectations in that situation of the words of God, and speaking them out in your prayers to Him. That is the partnership that works and the one you need right now. “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:18-20

In this partnership, God wants to give you His mind, His views and the understanding you need to judge and to act right according to His word. He will only accept, respect and honor your right opinions and expectations, the ones that do not and will not contradict the scripture. Which other promise is more powerful, efficient, result oriented and worthy to be fully trusted, relied on and followed? A promise that gives you the opportunity to partner in the design of what you want and what you expect through your own personal prayers. Everyone is looking for a good, reliable and profitable partnership that will produce the desired expectation without failing, and this is one to take hold on. “And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14

Prayer has more potential than anything else you can do for yourself. It can reach any part of the universe at any time and cause God’s will to be done there. It can shatter the bounds of time, and all physical and spiritual barriers, open all doors, set captives free, bring revival, obtain answers that will bring joy to people, influence circumstances in every location under the heavens now and in any future time, its effect and result last longer after you have left the scene. In answering your prayer, God can do things that will last forever to His glory and your wellness.

The call to pray is for everyone, but not everyone has the stamina and temperament needed to persevere on bended knees and prayer till the result state coming in. Prayer is not simple, is not easy, is not common though everyone seem to be praying, but it is a continuous action that bears fruits that will last longer and taste better. Prayer commands great spiritual power, change things and events, reaches places you cannot reach, changes and affects people you cannot approach or reach in several distant locations. Prayer overcomes space of time, and unleashes great and infinite potential to the smallest, the weakest, the rich and the poor among us

Prayer shows the devil the way out, brakes yokes, put to flight and humbles all evil manipulators, collaborators and enforcers, giving you the ease you need to glorify your God the way it should be. It shatters evil dreams, frustrations, delays, denials and disappointments. It enforces glorious mandates that bring joy and godly praise to the individual and the society at large.

We have read how Hannah prayed and saw result, and we have seen others also having results. We will see more and we will have ours. Partnership with God produces greater results than going it all alone. For Prayer Click here