Post date: Jun 4, 2014 4:01:47 AM

Let this message comfort you beyond and words of men and fears from the devil dear children of living God. Your fears are just there to frighten and discourage you to keep trusting and pursuing the blessings that your God in His mercy had promised you in this very life. I am convinced that your God who sees all things from His throne in heaven and knows all you better than even far better than you know yourself is doing far more than I can ever pray and write, far more than you can possibly imagine, and far more than your best prayer points. God is definitely doing beyond the comfort that He is providing through this message. 

Based on the best of your knowledge, your visions and dreams are delayed or denied as a result of some known or unknown barriers. Your best efforts through physical negotiations, peaceful dialogue, and confrontations had not yielded the expected result; your spiritual engagements through various forms of prayers at removing these barriers had been very successful; also your desire to train and acquire more knowledge and skills had been of much help. Many uncountable known and unknown things are definitely posing a barrier to your aspirations in many ways, but despite all that you have come to know, think and assume, there are no barriers standing strong enough to prevent your God from doing all that He had promised you.

Many people are crying of age as a barrier to marriage and child bearing, age as a barrier to their actualizing their dreams and desires, age as a barrier to their reaching their goals, but with God enabling you with His love, mercy and power, age will not a barrier. Many are complaining of time passing them too fast or too slow, I want you to remember that your God is timeless and ageless, He lives in eternity and His words are eternally secured in eternity; there is nothing that will pose a barrier to the Almighty God. He is definitely fulfilling His plans and desires in the lives of His children every day and you are not an exempted.

Your calculated age and assumed time may be a barrier to you now, but they are never a barrier to your God and to all of His words, and they are no barriers where and when the word of God is active and operational. Jesus Christ said: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Matthew 24:35-36. As you hold on to His words, you will definitely see them fulfilled irrespective of your age and your timing.

If age was a barrier, Abraham being a hundred years old, and Sarah being ninety years old would never have been able to fulfill all the promises of God to them, and Isaac would never have been born to them. Do not allow your age to count you out, God had not counted you because of your age and the passing of time and nothing else should. Despite the thoughts and actions of Sarah, Abraham held on to the timeless and ageless words and they finally come true. As God did not disappoint Abraham when He promised him, He will not also disappoint you as you believe, rely and stand with His words even to the very life.

If age, time and the words of men were barriers, Zechariah and Elizabeth, the parents of John the Baptist would have been able to see the birth of their first and only son John the Baptist born. Did you know that God is still working miracles today? The days of barrenness and lack is fast passing, the day of sighing and hissing are passing and the day of fruitfulness are here to stay.

“But my horn you have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil. My eye also has seen my desire on my enemies; my ears hear my desire on the wicked who rise up against me. The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright.” Psalm 92:10-15. Today’s Prayer: Fulfill your word in me Lord. For more prayers, Click here