Post date: Jan 23, 2013 5:04:24 AM

Our Lord God has perfect knowledge of everyone in the world and everything that is being done even before we see them with our eyes. He is omniscient (everywhere), He is omnipresent (knowledgeable), and He is omnipotent (powerful) whether the world believes that or not, I know and believe that is the truth. Because He knows everyone, He deals with us individually.

There are several things you will never know in this life, but there is nothing that God does not know and will not act accordingly. There is no guessing of who, what and where you are before God. There is no guessing of what you are going through in life right now before Him. There is no guessing of your struggles against sin, drugs, alcohol and evil, the struggles to have a spouse, a child, to keep a family and to be happy. He knows your struggles to secure a better and descent job, the struggle with people, with illness, with unhealthy immoral thoughts and behaviors, pains and the struggle to remain healthy and relevant. And He will deal with them all individually.   

He is always precise on your personality, irrespective of your condition and situation; He is very precise of your present location, thoughts and your needs even before you know and decide to ask in prayers. He hears every prayer, sees every tear, and knows every concern of the heart, and He will deal with you in a good way individually. “For your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.” Matthew 6:8

God will never, and has never lump people together for any reason. He deals with each of us individually according to His word that we believe and continuously hope and stand on, according to our actions, and according to the state of our heart at that moment. He sees us as individuals and knows us as individuals irrespective of where we reside and what we do. There are definitely several people out there with the same name like you, the same gender, the same profession, the same need, the same thought pattern, the same location, the same business and in the same situation as you are, but despite that, because He knows us individually, He still deals with us also one on one in every situation we are in.

There might be about seven billion or more people on earth today, but before your God, there is no guessing of who, what and where you are. There is no mistaken identity with Him. He does not need any technology to locate you within a twinkle of an eye anywhere. He does not need any photo identity to concern your person. You picture is not in His mind it is right before Him and stares at them every day and every time.

When He wanted Abram, He located him, when He wanted Noah; He located him without a problem and instructed him on what to do. When He wanted Moses, He located Him even in the forest and gave Him His instructions. When He wanted to set Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego free, He located them inside the prison and gave them the urge to fast and to abstain from polluting themselves. When He wanted to confront King Ahab, He located Elijah in the forest and gave him the authority to speak in His name. When He wanted Saul, He called him by name even when he was with people. When He wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He called Lot by name and delivered Him. Despite the similarities you might be having with others, God know you by name and deal with you one on one, He will never group you with others, group your business with others, group your prayer request with others, group your situation with others, but He will singles you out for His purpose and bless you with all of His goodness. We may be many in the same situation; but God still knows us individually by name and will deals with you as individually. “For when God made [His] promise to Abraham, He swore by Himself, since He had no one greater by whom to swear, Saying, Blessing I certainly will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you.” Hebrews 6:13-14. God saves us individually and will also bless us individually. For prayers and encouragement someone is here to pray. Click here