Post date: Nov 21, 2017 4:55:55 AM

Did you know that God had equipped you for good works despite having nothing; equipped you for good success despite not seeing that right now; equipped you for peace despite the troubles Satan and his agents are bringing into your life, into your job, into your marriage, into your joy, into your finances and business. God had equipped you for excellence; He had equipped you to be His own; He had equipped you to have victory and be recognized and celebrated; equipped you to have the mind of Christ and the confidence to stand up in His name. He had equipped you to have victory over sin, to overcome your past failures and mistakes; He had equipped you to live for Him and He had equipped you to resist evil, to resist wickedness and evil confrontations and to overcome the effects of humiliations and rejections and injustices. He had equipped you for good works and for good results and for good success. Irrespective of what is happening around you and whatever you are going through right now, know that God had equipped you to succeed, to overcome, to stand upright, in truth and in faith. He had equipped you to be victorious in all circumstances and to have eternity with Him.

God had equipped you with His proven words, with His Holy Spirit, with His loving presence, and with His overflowing provisions; He had equipped you physically, spiritually and materially for every good work and for every good success. His words are quick, powerful, sharp, profitable, and living; His Spirit is a defense and a guide to excellence; His presence is caring and assuring, and His provisions are sustaining and satisfying. With them you will have good success in all the things He will enable you to do and a good direction on the ways to follow; with them, you will have your joy in full and be fully restored in Him physically and spiritually. You may not have all that you will ever need but you are not deficient of good works in Christ Jesus and besides, there is no human being on earth without a need irrespective of profession, gender, location, wealth, title, and social standing. You may not be all that you have dreamed of in life, all that you have desired for in life, and all that people had expected you to be but you can be all that God had said of you and had equipped you for. You may not have all that you are or will be expected to have despite your hard work and commitments but you can fulfill the desires of God for your life through His words. God had equipped your success through His words; He had prepared the way to that success through His words; He had set the mark that will lead you to the success in whatever you are involved in through His words; He had drawn the boundaries through His words and the devil cannot erase that or trespass the boundary; He had prepared the table for your celebration through His words and the devil cannot take that table away from you irrespective of their numbers, their plots, and their locations. His words rule over all realms of life and His plans are superior to all other plans irrespective of their sources.

“But as for you, continue in the things that you have learned and of which you are convinced holding tightly to the truths, knowing from whom you learned them, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus surrendering your entire self to Him and having absolute confidence in His wisdom, power, and goodness. All Scripture is God-breathed given by divine inspiration and is profitable for instruction, for conviction of sin, for correction of error and for restoration to obedience, for training in righteousness, learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both publicly and privately, behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral courage; so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work” 2 Timothy 3:14-17. The marks are high and the bar for success is raised up daily; the demands for success today are strenuous; the competition is fierce; the co-competitor are cruel and have no regards for godliness, but I depend on you Oh Lord. For Prayers, Click here