Post date: Feb 11, 2014 5:01:04 AM

After all these years of expectation and numerous efforts expended in that particular issue, what is it that you desperately need to see happen in your life now; what is it that you need? A good and sincere offer of help from good and close friends; an expert explanation of the situation by a well trained and experienced professional in that troubling field, or a total transformation from the Almighty God through the inherent power of His spoken word? I believe it is time we cry out with sincerely for the transforming word of God and not the words of men.  

Jesus Christ needed food after forty days and forty nights of prayers and fasting and right there the devil came offering Him one; the centurion needed healing for his daughter and he asked Jesus Christ to speak on it. The woman with the issue of blood needed healing after spending all her income paying professionals to help her, and she went in to touch the garment of Jesus Christ despite the pressing crown. Hannah needed a child to console her pains of waiting for years, her husband’s consolation was not enough to produce to needed expectation and she decided to seek a word from God through prayers.  

Jabez needed a total change after watching his parents and family destroyed by evil and poverty. Elijah needed food and a place of rest after confronting King Ahab with a word from the living God of Israel. Everyone needs help and everyone needs a word of assurance that will bring that help into existence, but the most formidable thing that had been tested and proved to bring in the expected permanent change is the words of the Lord Almighty, it is not in the best words or help of any person irrespective of their level of authority and expertise.

Every help from men changes situations temporally, but when God steps in, such situations take a different direction beyond expectation and the best prediction from men, and that individual will definitely receive a permanent solution and a transformation that will eradicate past memory of the situation leaving behind a testimony, a new song on your lips which refuses to go away easily and a new person entirely.

Whose words influence your day, your thoughts and your daily actions? Whose word affects your daily decisions, your daily desires, your visions and dreams? Whose word do you believe will affect your tomorrow positively leaving a good result behind? God does not want you to live under the influence of the words of the devil and of men; He only wants you to live on the power of His word daily in all situations. It is only God’s words that can make all the difference you will ever need in your life and that of your family irrespective of the situation.

Satan offered Jesus Christ a word of advice but He opted for the word of God instead. “And He went without food for forty days and forty nights, and later He was hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, If You are God’s Son, command these stones to be made loaves of bread. But He replied, it has been written, Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:2-4

It was the word of God that completely transformed Abraham; that gave Moses the boldness to stand before Pharaoh and guarded him through in the wilderness, and it was the word of God that created the things we see in the world. Jesus said; “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” Samuel said: “Speak, for your servant hears.” David said “God has spoken once, twice I have heard this, that power belongs to God.” John 6:63; Samuel 3:10; Psalm 62:11

Believing the word of God enables it to manifest its intent in your life. God will definitely speak to you addressing the situations in your life despite the delays. The word of God transforms individual despite the situation. For prayers, Click here