Post date: Mar 23, 2015 3:52:20 AM

God is not opening your eyes to hear and your ears to hear the testimonies of what God had done for other and go back to being sad with yourself, discouraged and confused on what to do in your own case; He is not giving you the ability to read and understand the testimonies of others and still remain in your self-anger because of the persistence of your situation. He is not enabling you to have a one on one encounter with someone who had a true divine testimony without building your faith, giving you hope and giving you the grace to stand up and demand for your own testimony. When God told Moses what He did for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, it was for the purpose of building the faith, confidence and assurance of Moses; it was for the purpose of encouraging him to stand up from despair and move with confidence towards fulfilling what God had intended for him and for the children of Israel.

What God did for others is to encourage you and to remind you that He can and He will do yours as He had promised; what God did for others is to deliver your heart and thoughts from the shock of delays and the persistence of your case; what He had done for other is to give you the hope, joy and to position your expectations on the reality and truthfulness of all of His promises. It may be tough and difficult for you now, but God has a testimony to be fulfilled in your life; it may be hard on now you, but despite that, God in His love has a word to pass on to others like you in the world through the testimonies He is about to unfold in your life; as He gave those you see and those you know testimonies to tell and testimonies to rejoice; as He gave you the opportunity to hear, to see and to read about the testimonies of others, so is He going to give others that same opportunity to hear, to see, and to read yours and be encouraged that their own testimony will come to pass according to the promises of God.

Christians have read of Isaac, the son of Abraham and Sarah in the bible; to Sarah, Isaac was a son of consolation after many years of waiting, to Abraham, he was a son of confirmation after many years of believe on a promise, and to all Christians waiting for a child, he is a testimony to hold unto, to keep hope alive and to keep trusting God even when it seems impossible. Abraham and Sarah waited twenty five years before they could see, hold and feel the pulse of their son, they waited that long before rejoicing in the promise, but at the end of a lone wait, God did not fail them, he did not leave them and He did do as He said. That same God will do yours.

Samuel was a son of comfort to Hannah after years of cries, shame, abuse, humiliation and of wondering what was going on with her womb. To Hannah, Samuel was not just a prophet but a son to comfort her in the situation she was, to restore her joy of being a woman and a wife; to the children of Israel, Samuel was a prophet, the true one they needed at the right time and moment in the history of their country, but to all believers in Jesus Christ, Samuel was a true answer to a decisive fervent and true prayer of a true believer in miracle. To all believers in Jesus Christ, Samuel is a testimony; and Hannah is a good example to emulate.     

John the Baptist was a son of reward to a life of consistency and dedication to the services of our Lord of his parents. To us, he is a testimony to keep hope alive and never to give up because of age or what people are saying. To believers, Jabez is a testimony, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and their actions, life-style and rewards are testimonies to hold unto and to pray with at all times. Peter, Paul, John and many others are all testimonies that keeps us in faith and in hope for better things. “The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the whole person; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19:7

Testimonies raises hope and I trust your hope will not end in vain and by God’s grace, you will not read this in vain. In whatever thing you are holding unto God for, I ask that He will give you a sweet testimony at the end to tell the world. For prayers, Click here