Post date: Jun 9, 2014 4:00:12 AM

Many Christ believers have completely lost their first love of living for God, lost their joy in following His words, His precepts and waiting on Him daily; many have lost their desires of praying and fasting for anything; many have lost their divine patience in holding on to faith and hope in His redemptive power because of prolonged adversities; many have lost their desires to be humble and holy before God and man, but whatever may be the reasons for these losses, it is completely painful and unacceptable, this is a trap from the pit of hell and God must take you out of that pit today by restoring you to your first love in Him.

Many Christians have lost their true visions and dreams for living in life; instead of putting up concrete efforts to rediscover that vision and dreams and follow them, they are very faithful and diligent in following the visions and dreams of others around them to their own disadvantage. Not until you fully get back those lost dreams and visions, you will never live your true life, and you will never be satisfied in this life irrespective of what you do for a living and what you may earn from following the dreams and visions of others. You can never be what God purposed for you when you lost your original vision and dream.

Distinguishing grace is God’s desire for your life. This excelling grace is a divine gift to help you succeed in performing the functions He had destined for you, to enable you have a happy and productive life despite the obstacles and oppositions from the devil. But today, many Christians have lost that grace in their lives; they are now struggling endlessly, putting in more efforts and having less result. Their income is far less than their struggles; this is because they have lost the grace to excel in what they are doing. Ask God for a restoration of that grace that will end the struggles of pain and anger.   

Many believers have totally lost their peace in almost everything, this is not done deliberately but by a gradual unintended deviation from the ways of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the author and giver of peace to man. If you have lost your peace, ask God for a total restoration. Many have completely lost their glory, lost their dream jobs, houses, spouses, children, finances and even their good memory and speeches. Many have been asking God to restore their finance, their blessing and many other things, but money will never be enough except God steps in to restore you to what He had destined you to be.   

The prayer and the subsequent blessing of Jabez began with a vision and a realization that physically, he was not what God had destined him to be in life; he knew he was quite different from his brothers and did not want the fate of his brothers to happen to him and did not want the pains of his mother to affect his destiny. Instead of changing his name and walking away, he decided to change his fate with a dream to fulfill God’s plans for his life and God answered him majestically. There is nothing about you that God cannot restore if you will ask diligently.

“Jabez was honorable above his brothers; but his mother named him Jabez, sorrow maker, saying, because I bore him in pain. Jabez cried to the God of Israel, saying, Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and You would keep me from evil so it might not hurt me. And God granted his request.” 1 Chronicles 4:9-10

Jesus Christ our Lord and savior was falsely accused and judged; He was condemned, physically tortured, severely bitten, abused, stripped naked, crucified, hung on the cross and buried, but all that did not stop God from restoring Him back to life, and there is nothing that will stop God from restoring you. Why not go for the full restoration of what you have lost instead of the piecemeal blessings that will not last long?

Today’s Prayer: Lord, give me the kind of restoration that will bring me back to what I was born to be originally in life. For more prayers, Click here