Post date: Feb 24, 2016 1:52:49 AM

As long as God was the one who singlehandedly made the man and the woman; designed all the intricacies of the womb of a woman by His knowledge and wisdom; as long as is God Himself gave the womb to the woman and not to the man, there will be a conception in that womb through the power of His words and design; He made the womb with all diligence and sustains it with the power of His word, ‘be fruitful and multiply’. Since the word of God cannot be faulted or hindered, your conception will not be faulted and will not be hindered; despite the delays, God has not denied you this joy of conception and the devil cannot stop Him from completing all the words He had said concerning you, concerning your womb and concerning your conception. I am grateful for the advances of science, but science cannot fully explain what and how God in His power and knowledge and in His love makes conception to take place and the child having all rights from that moment on with the complete image and likeness of God in all ways and things. The live we have today begins at conception through the power of God. I trust God will do your own and will glorify His name in you as He had done in the life of others around the world. The word of God will surely be fulfilled in you.

Because God had plans for your life, He also has plans for your marriage; He also has plans for your conception and the day of your delivery; and He also has plans for that child al through his or her years on earth and in everything they will ever do. If you are not married yet, there is hope for you; if you are yet to have children there is also hope for you. It is not over yet despite all the delays and the frustrations and there is a sure hope for you through the power of Christ Jesus our Lord and in His living words. It is not over because you are still alive and in Him; He can make alive that which had been declared dead by science; He can make effective that which had been declared by men as ineffective by evil manipulators; and He had make new that which had been declared old by age; and He can enable that which had been declared unable by human thoughts and imaginations. God had, God has, God can, and God will make new again irrespective of the impossibility that is keeping you back. The Almighty God is the Lord of our strength. Renew your hope and encourage your desires, God will make it so.

Despite delays, frustrations, disappointments, and shame, Sarah, Hannah, Rachel, Elizabeth and many others in the bible did not miss God’s schedule for their conception. Mary did not miss her date and time and moment of conception. God is perfect in His words, in His ways and in His plans for every one of us. This is what the scripture said of Sarah Abraham’ wife after years of searching, trusting, waiting, disappointing, of shame, of mockery and of wild imaginations: “The Lord graciously remembered and visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for her as He had promised. So Sarah conceived and gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. Abraham named his son Isaac, the son to whom Sarah gave birth. So Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, just as God had commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born. Sarah said, God has made me laugh; all who hear about our good news will laugh with me. And she said, who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? For I have given birth to a son by him in his old age. The child Isaac grew and was weaned and Abraham held a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned.” Genesis 21:1-6

Though Abraham could not believe his ears and his eyes, but it was true; though Sarah laughed on seeing what God had done, it was real, though time and years passed by, it was done and though skeptics could not understand, it was God who made it all happen. This is the process. God promised, Sarah conceived and gave birth despite being old at the appointed time; God made them laugh for real and Abraham celebrated. God will do yours. Click here for prayer