Post date: May 2, 2012 8:45:12 AM

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” Romans 3:23-24

That is a binding verse for everyone who had ever lived on this earth. Its controversy had been adequately settled by Christ Jesus’s singular act on the cross at Calvary and that act, opens the door for us to look forward rather than backward in everything we do. You are no more a person of yesterday but a person of the future and that future starts on the day of your salvation. 

Everyone had made a mistake and at salvation, Christ delivered us from its consequences. Learn to look forward, be focused on things that Christ had freely given to you through salvation, not your past ancestral or self-mistakes. Refuse to allow the devil judge you by your past, refuse to be hindered and completely refuse to live in the guilt of yesterday’s mistakes.

Your salvation was not a mistake neither is your life a mistake. What you are doing through today is not a mistake neither is it a design to bring you back and pull you down by God. There is a great error going on amongst the people of God, and that error is about our present feelings of unfounded guilt. Guilt about our past events which we erroneously assume is the reason for our present predicament. Whatever we are going through is not a mistake by God. Whatever He permits are for a purpose and His expectation is that you will glorify Him in it.  Stop thinking and feeling that your past mistakes are the reason for the present hindrances, pains and sufferings, Christ took the past away that you can the future you deserve.

The bible says all have sinned, not some, we all have  made some terrible mistakes in the past but we are not allowed by the love and grace of God to remain in our past mistakes and sins any longer. The weight of our past is too heavy and that is one reason Christ Jesus was hung on the cross to mark the end of the old era in us and open the door for a new future. Don’t dwell in the past again, get past it by repentance, confession and believe, get into your desired future in Christ by faith, prayer, grace and determination. Despite the present sufferings and pains, what lies ahead of you is far better and greater than what is behind you.   

You owe yourself a great duty to get up and get pass your past, embrace the future with peace based on the atonement on the cross. God will never mistake you for someone else and will not mistakenly give you another person’s problems. He will not mistake you for your parents and will not mistake them for you.  Whatever He does are purposeful and with good intent for you.  He will not give you what you cannot successfully handle, be it a blessing or some tough time. He has no intent to harm you, pull you down or keep you a destitute.

Many believers are under the guilt that they have missed their steps in their walk with God and that is why they are suffering, but despite the feeling, God has not missed you. If you have missed Him, get right with Him immediately. On the cross, Jesus Christ dealt adequately with our past and made appropriate provisions for our present and future. He has justified us by grace to believe we are saved, delivered from our past, defended in the present and blessed to live and rejoice in His presence forever.

Everything that God allows in your lives are for a purpose, he will never make a mistake in His dealings with you. He will not permit anything He knows you will not be able to handle to come to you. He will not mistakenly allow any evil to befall you and He will never mistakenly give your blessings to someone else. He is unmistakably true in all things. Trust Him in all situation.