Post date: Mar 23, 2016 12:33:19 AM

The choice is yours; the decision is yours; the joy or sorrows will be yours; the gains therein are yours; the knowledge and experience will be yours; what to and not to do are available through the scriptures; you require true and liberating godly wisdom to do it; application of knowledge is what makes wisdom effective and active in you before adversity. The cross before you needs your attention; it needs your scrutiny and decision quick; it might lead to your freedom or being under bondage for a time, but God is not leaving you in the dark and will never fail to give you the wisdom and grace you need now to decide. The cross of Christ Jesus led to your freedom and not bondage and the cross He calls you to carry should also lead to your freedom and nothing else. The devil does manipulate lives but despite his works against you, God is asking that you get out of bondage, claim your freedom in Him and never to bring a new bondage on yourself.

Do not carry a cross the ignorance, seek divine knowledge that will enable you to go beyond all the physical problems you have been experiencing all these years in your life; do not carry the cross of foolishness, seek divine wisdom before actions; do not carry the cross of hopelessness, seek direction and assurance from the word of God before you reach a final decision. God is not calling you to carry such crosses; He is not calling you to carry the cross of your sins, rather He is asking you sincerely confess them, Christ had carried the cross of your sins, freeing you from their consequences already long before you ever committed them. Do not carry the cross of any regrets of the past, purge your conscience of all guilt and regrets knowing that Christ Jesus had forgiven you and given you a new direction and a new life to live through salvation. Do not vary the cross of any of your ancestor’s evil deeds, through your personal salvation and the washing of His blood, Christ Jesus had separated you from every past and given you a new and joyful future quite different to what had been before.

Do not carry the cross of the yokes of unbelief; Christ Jesus came into the world through the love of God the Father Almighty to destroy that yoke. Do not carry the cross any curses upon your family, Christ Jesus died to liberate us from the curses that had hindered us all these years. Do not carry the cross of hatred, malice and jealousy and debts; do not carry the cross of bitterness and vengeance, Christ Jesus who dwells in you will fight for you. Every cross has a price tag and demand and reward. Before you decide to carry that cross facing you now, there are many things you must certainly know and must definitely do; if possible seek ways overcome the burden of the cross. Even though we are all called to carry our cross, we must not refuse or turn away from following Christ Jesus, from believing in Him and trusting in His ability to give freedom. There are crosses you should never carry or wish to carry in your life. There are crosses that are and were never meant for you; there are crosses that are too heavy for you and there are crosses that will kill you. I pray that if you are carrying a cross that was not meant for you, Christ will give you deliverance and freedom today. You are too precious in His sight to be destroyed under the weights of evil crosses the devil had been throwing at you.

“Make sure that none of you suffers as a murderer, or a thief, or any sort of criminal in response to persecution, or as a troublesome meddler interfering in the affairs of others; but if anyone suffers ill-treatment as a Christian because of his belief, he is not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God because he is considered worthy to suffer in this name. For it is the time destined for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not respect or believe or obey the gospel of God? And if it is difficult for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the godless and the sinner? Therefore, those who are ill-treated and suffer in accordance with the will of God must continue to do right and commit their souls for safe-keeping to the faithful Creator.” 1 Peter 4:15-19. Click here for prayer