Post date: Jan 16, 2017 10:10:17 PM

It is certain that your day, your time and your moment of opportunity will come; your joy will be great on that day; your celebration will not be stopped by the forces that will ever plan one; your victory will be outstanding because of the God who is with and for you; your name will not be wiped out because it has a purpose attached to it; your generation will be preserved because you will not be disappointed by the dream giver; the God who kept Israel throughout is keeping you; the One who protected Daniel in the den of lions is protecting you; the God who help Joseph in his days of trouble is helping you; the One who delivered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from being consumed by the burning furnace is delivering you; He who defended Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego against the threats of king Nebuchadnezzar is defending you; God who granted the transforming prayer request of Jabez is granting yours; the God who answered the prayer of Hannah is answering yours; the God who took shame away from Sarah and gave her the grace to laugh is taking your shame away and will give you a great moment of laughter. As Elijah was heard so will God hear you and as Elizabeth received a miracle so will it happen to you.

The God who turns all situations around for good is turning yours around for good; even in your fears and wondering uncertainties, He will help you and He will make you. Joseph was left only with a dream and nothing else, yet His dream was real and true and the God who gave him the dream was true and real; that is the same God you serve today. In his days of trouble, Joseph lost his precious coat of many colors but did not lose his dream; Joseph was stripped naked and sold naked by his brothers, but his dreams were intact; Joseph was sold into slavery only with his dream and nothing else but he had a hope in His God inside of him; he lost the company of his beloved father, his family members and playmates, but he never lost the company of his dream; he lost his freedom and ability to dream again, but despite all, Joseph never lost the memory of his last dream; his last and only dream in life was still in his heart and with him.

Despite all that the devil had done to you and against you in any way, using whatever instrument he can, never forget that you had a big and better dream; keep that in your heart; keep that in your memory and make it your daily reminder. Irrespective of the dungeon, the pains, and the life struggles; remember that a day and a time and a moment is coming for your dream to begin its work, its purpose and the desire for which God gave the dream. He will not fail you, and He will not encourage you to discard the dreams He gave to shape your future. I have seen people cry and I have cried; I have seen people struggle and I have struggled; I have seen people complain about the delays about their dreams and desires, I have done the same, but despite what will ever happen, I have seen dreams defile all odds and come true, I have experienced it, many people have experienced the same and you will soon have your own experience. I can feel Joseph cry and I can see him laugh. Just imagine how it was the day he stood before Pharaoh interpreting his dreams and not telling him his own? But God was working behind the scene to confirm his dream before Pharaoh. Your day, your time and your moment will definitely come. Never discard your dreams for any reason; God gave them to you for a purpose and His purpose for your life will definitely be fulfilled in your lifetime.

There is something that God had given to you the devil wants to take and you should never allow that to happen. God gave it to you for a purpose; He gave it because He knows your future will He destined for you and promised you will demand it; that future has a divine purpose and it will come. The devil wants to take it from you, wants to destroy it and render it useless, please resist him in faith. You should preserve that thing and guard it jealously. Know that despite whatever the situations may be, your future is better than your present circumstances and it will be better than your past. Left only with a dream, you will still make it good in life. For Prayers Click here