Post date: May 10, 2017 12:24:09 AM

If God had been silent on you for too long, know that His silence is temporal not forever, and it will never be infinite despite the reasons that men may have made you admit for the silence you are experiencing. It will amaze you to know that in every issue under heaven, people have ideas to give, but none is as perfect of that from God, and none will be effective except God is in it and working through it to get you where He wants for you. When God is silent over an issue, irrespective of its magnitude, whether it concerns you directly or remotely, whether your life is tied to it and your expectations are fixed to it, or it concerns any affairs in your life, do not give up hope because of the silence; do not give up trusting Him because of the silence; do not give up believing and trust Him; do not give up following Him with all diligence; do not give up your expectations for better results; do not give up the dreams, the desires, and the visions you have been given, do not give up walking in obedience to His words, and do not give up on yourself no matter what people may say to you concerning the God you trust or do to you for following and relying on Him. When He is silent, His presence is with you is still with you, His love for you is still active, His ability is not taken away and His protection over you is not diminished.

When God is too silent over your issue, know that His silence is not a sign of disfavor or dislike of your person; it is not a sign of rejection or is it a sign of abandonment. But if the silent is too long, know that His mercy is still active and strong in you and since you are still alive, He will definitely accomplish all of His plans and will for your life. the only thing that will separate you from receiving a miracle is when God takes you out of the world through death.\, but since He is still pleased to give you many days and years, one of the days or years, you will see that God had spoken, His words are active and working and the things that were a hindrance are taken away. If God had been silent for too long, know that His mercies are still working for and in you because His mercies endure forever, and where His mercies dwell, He is there. It is His mercies that keep us alive and enables us to see a new day every morning.

After promising Abraham and Sarah a son called Isaac, God was silent for too long in fulfilling the promise but Abraham did not give up hope and did not give up his expectation. Though Sarah did give up her expectation because of age, the words and imagination of people around her, her expectations was still there, and at the appropriate day and time, God breaks His silence by sending three angels to announce to her hearing the arrival of her long forgone expectation. “Then they said to him, where is Sarah your wife? And he said, there, in the tent. He said, I will surely return to you at this time next year; and behold, Sarah your wife will have a son. And Sarah was listening at the tent door, which was behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in years; she was past the age of childbearing. So Sarah laughed to herself when she heard the Lord’s words, saying after I have become old, shall I have pleasure and delight, my lord husband being also old? And the Lord asked Abraham, why did Sarah laugh to herself, saying, shall I really give birth to a child when I am so old? Is anything too difficult or too wonderful for the Lord? At the appointed time, when the season for her delivery comes, I will return to you and Sarah will have a son.” Genesis 18:9-14

Sarah laughed at herself because the silence had been too long from God; she laughed because she was too old in her eyes and understanding of her heart and the reasoning of men to conceive a baby in her womb, she laughed because her husband was too old to impregnate her, Sarah did laughed because people had been laughing her barrenness and open confession that God had promised her a child and was waiting, she laughed because she thought God had forgotten the promise. But on her delivery day, she said, “God has made me laugh; all who hear about our good news will laugh with me.” Genesis 21:6. God will turn your situation in Jesus Name. For Prayers Click here