Post date: May 9, 2014 4:00:58 AM

I have heard many things and have seen much, despite what I hear and see, none had persuaded enough to think differently about the benefits of being a Christian and about Christianity. I am a Christian by choice through the grace of Jesus Christ. I do not give a damn about all the evil that people are saying openly and privately about Christians and their conducts, I am so grateful to God that I am a Christian and proud of being one now and had vow to remain one till that day we all will see Christ Jesus in the fullness of His glory coming down from heaven with His holy angels to take us to be with Him forever and ever.

If not for Christ Jesus what do you think the world will look like? And if not for Christians, how would the world have been today? Your imagination is as bad as you can ever think, but God in His knowledge and the love for mankind had predestined all things to be as they are today. God had predestinated you to be a Christian and to remain a Christian for good. The world without Christ would have been a shame to look at, and the world without Christians would have been hopeless in all aspects of human living and reasoning, it would have been a place without virtue, morals and a place bereaved of all human conscience towards each another and the all human beings would have ceased to exist because the wickedness of man.

It would have been a place without mercy, without love, without any meaning, without a dream, a place of heightened wickedness, revenge and cruel retaliations, a place without forgiveness and positive human feelings. Christians have changed the world according to God’s words and will continue doing that till the return of Christ Jesus as promised. Your Christianity is designed to change and affect the world positively irrespective of your situation. Because you are a living child of the Living God, you have been wrapped up and secured in God’s amazing love, God’s forgiveness, God’s mercies, God’s tolerance, God’s patience and the very best of kindness that any man can ever have. I want you to take a look at the world without you and Christians. That is when you will give thanks to God for making you a Christian.

There will definitely be some very low moments in your Christian journey, but that should never erode the joy of who you are before Christ Jesus despite what you feel and what you think you are before men. It is what you are in the eyes of Christ Jesus that matters most in all things that will affect your life. People are absolutely free to say whatever they like about you, they are free to hold their divers opinion concerning your character, concerning the way you dress, think and speak, but none of their opinion should result in your not rejoicing in the salvation of your soul.   

The grace that brings the salvation of our souls from the powers of condemnation is the best gift ever that we can receive from the Lord God Almighty. All other gifts are made effective through that one gift and without it; there is relationship with God, no love, no victory, no hope and no assurance of any future. Through that gift we have life abundantly and our expectations are given a firm foundation of fulfillment. Through the gift of salvation we can call God our Father, pray and cry to Him with joy, and trust that our cries and prayers have been heard and that we will soon receive our expected answers. Through that gift we receive the best of all spiritual and physical transformation, and become agents of change and God’s conduits of better things to the world. Please get and rejoice that despite all you are a Christian with hope and assurance.

“Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord and delight in his salvation. My whole being will exclaim who is like you, Lord? I am overwhelmed with joy in the Lord my God. For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels.” Psalm 35:9-10; Isaiah 61:10. For prayers, Click here