Post date: May 8, 2015 5:05:36 AM

Please do youself this one favor, hold onto what you were told by the Lord with all diligence and with all of your strength. Do not allow the devil and the frustrations of today, the delays and the fears, the trouble of the night and that of the day to force you to abandon those great words; they were spoken in love by your God and they will be made active and alive by Him. He gave those words concerning you before you were born and before you begin experiencing all the troubles of today, and by grace in Christ Jesus, you will overcome the troubles. God has not changed His words concerning you because He knew you will come to repentance, and He has not change His mind or His words concerning you for any other reason, and will not change it now. If He did not change it then, He will not change it now, and you are in a better position to fulfill all of them now that you are in Him through Christ Jesus.

Your strongest reason in standing before God is your salvation, the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of God who heard; the ones you memorize and the one you were told in your dreams, visions or revelations which are confirmed in the scriptures as the true and absolute word of God. Armed with these, the heavens will be open for you; the earth will respond to you; the devil will flee before you, impossibilities will be made possible, and the joy of the Lord will radiate through you for the world to see and give Him the praise that is due Him from you. Your God will never back out from His spoken or written words; will never withdraw His promises though it may be severely delayed or suffer frustrations, but it will never be denied or given to another person for any reason. Our God will forever honor His words; will forever uphold His words; will forever support His words; and will forever fulfill His words. Whoever holds onto His words will live by them; will excel in them; will have victory through them and will celebrate the blessing of the Lord through those words.

What were you told by the Lord through His words? What were you told in your dreams and visions and revelations? What were you told, when you enguire? What were you told through the scripture? And what are you holding onto now? If what you are holding onto is different from what you were told, what you were created to be and destined to be by the Lord, then you will have a problem, but God did not destine you for trouble but for victory over every adversity, every worries and every fear. Show me what you were told, and I will tell you what you will become at the end in Christ Jesus our Lord despite all the delays, frustrations and fears from the pit of hell fashioned against you and your finances and family today.

Our God is always plain in His words and in His promises to us; He always desires we willingly comply with them so we can inherit the blessings. God made you a woman so you will be a wife and a mother; He made you a man so you can be a husband and a father, and through His grace, you will be what He said of you and fulfill what He desires and plan for you. Whatever God told you in any way at any time, I expect all of them to be fulfilled in you soon.

“Do not quench, suppress or subdue the Holy Spirit; Do not spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets, do not depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning. But test and prove all things until you can recognize what is good; to that, hold fast. Abstain from evil, shrink from it and keep aloof from it in whatever form or whatever kind it may be. And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through, separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete and found blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ the Messiah. Faithful is He Who is calling you to Himself and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it, fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:19-24. For prayers, Click here. For 3 hours of Praise and worship songs Click Here