Post date: Dec 26, 2014 5:00:17 AM

You should never receive a transforming promise from the ever trusted, everlasting, ever-living, ever-faithful, and ever worthy God and continue living in the sorrows of yesterday, in the pains of the angers of yesterday, in the loneliness of the disappointments of yesterday, in the rejection of men yesterday, in the denials and the delays of yesterday’s promises, in the disappointments of the expected rewards of yesterday, and in the results of the evils of yesterday. This is a new day for you and God is preparing you for new things; things that are different from what had been before, different from what people had said previously about you, and different from all of the evil expectations of your enemies; God is preparing you for something quite exciting, something worthy to be talk about, and worthy to kept alive forever.

Can you declare for yourself what will be from now based on the promises of God for your life? This was Mary’s declaration for herself: “And blessed, happy, to be envied is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of the things that were spoken to her from the Lord. And Mary said, my soul magnifies and extols the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, For He has looked upon the low station and humiliation of His handmaiden. For behold, from now on all generations, of all ages will call me blessed and declare me happy and to be envied. For He who is almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His name to be venerated in His purity, majesty and glory. And His mercy, His compassion and kindness toward the miserable and afflicted is on those who fear Him with godly reverence, from generation to generation and age to age. He has shown strength and made might with His arm; He has scattered the proud and haughty in and by the imagination and purpose and designs of their hearts. He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of low degree. He has filled and satisfied the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty-handed without a gift. He has laid hold on His servant Israel to help him, to espouse his cause, in remembrance of His mercy, Even as He promised to our forefathers, to Abraham and to his descendants forever.” Luke 1:45-55

Mary was bold enough to stand before her cousin Elizabeth to declare; from now everyone will call me blessed just because she heard the promise from God, she believed the promise and she lived to see the manifestation of the promise.

From now on, your view about yourself must change because of the promises of God.

Your view about your status in the society must change because Christ is actively with you.

Your view about your marital relationship must change because God is working something new.

Your view about your health must change, because Christ Jesus came to give you good health.

Your view about your spouse must change because God can do all things new.

Your view about your children must change because you have handed them over to God.

Your view about your family must change because God hand change family standards before

Your view about your job and profession must change, because His hands are on you for good.

Like Mary, God had pronounced your change of status and you must publicize it openly; make it loud enough for the world to hear because they will see the manifestation. You are changed by the promises of God for your life, you are changed by the words of God in the Holy Scripture, you are changed by the love of God for you; you are changed by the gifts of God from heaven; you are changed by the enabling power of the Holy Spirit of God upon your life; and you are changed now for good and forever.

Every promise of God is targeted at bringing a change in the lives of those who will accept and believe them; a change in the lives of those who will follow them diligently; a change in the lives of those who will remain ever faithful, ever loving and ever in His hands for good. For prayers, Click here