Post date: Sep 22, 2014 4:00:29 AM

In this manner, therefore, pray:Give me this day my daily bread” As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, there are many things you should never relent in doing and praying daily about everything and in everything is definitely one of them. If you should miss anything else, never miss praying to your God as often as possible irrespective of your location, situation and time. God delights in your prayers and desires to see you pray and to hear you speak to Him.  

Prayer is indispensable if you have a dream, a vision and a desire for excellence, if you want to be where God had destined for you in life; if you want to have peace with self, with God and with others; if you want to see your enemies defeated; if you want to see your spouse, children and family transformed by the power of God; if you want to advance spiritually and physically; if you want to see sinners turn to Christ in true repentance; if you want to see believers doing right and living right before God and man, and if you want to change the things that are offensive to the ears, to the eyes and for the mouth to speak, you will have to pray.

The disciples of Jesus Christ were bold enough to ask Him to teach them how to pray, giving Him the example of how John the Baptist taught his disciple the act of praying. One thing is very clear here; Christ did not condemn them for asking Him to teach them and did not dismiss their request to teach them, and if Christ accepted their request and actually did teach them, that shows the necessity of knowing how to pray, the importance of praying, and the inherent blessings we receive when we pray.

Prayer is not only necessary and useful in times of trouble alone. Prayer is absolutely necessary and very useful at all times, in every location and in every situation. People who pray to God are people with godly expectations, people with divine dreams, people with great visions, and people with graceful desires. In teaching His disciples about prayers, Christ encouraged them to demand something special for each day. He thought them ‘give us this day our daily bread’ not because they were hungry or lack bread to eat, but because they all have different needs in life.

As a believer, your prayers matters, and what you pray about matters. Did you know that God destined many good things each new day for you to pray for? To trust God for? And to enjoy in your life daily? These things are called your daily bread. To some their daily bread is the grace to understand what they are doing, what they are thinking about, what they are struggling for, and the grace to understand their children, spouse, school, job and home. Instead of living in anger with negative affect on your relationship with God, relationship with your children and your spouse, your relationship with colleagues and friends, why not ask God for the grace to be above temptation negative reactions.       

To some people, their daily bread is the strength to pursue their dreams and visions; the strength to remain productive and relevant in the presence of great competitors; the strength to stand on godly grounds even when others are falling, and the strength to succeed where others are failing. When God give the strength for a mission, the day will be filled with breakthroughs, victories and celebrations, just as God gave David the strength to overcome Goliath.

To others, their daily bread is to receive the favor that will change their lives, change their spouse, children and family members forever after years of loneliness and rejection. To others, it is peace in their marriage, and to others it is their finances. Ask God for your daily bread today. “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9-13. For prayers, Click here