Post date: Jun 21, 2013 7:36:19 AM

The call to be actively involved in a consistent, active, open hearted and sincere prayer is more needful today than it had ever been before. We are in the days of increased evil attacks on our morals, on our desires, on our dreams, and on our desires to walk upright with the Almighty God according to His words and purpose as stated in the scriptures. We are in the day of increased confusion in almost everything we do, increased uncertainties even on things we are very familiar with, very conversant with, and well trained to handle, and have sincerely prayed over several times and received assurance of being very successful. We are in the days of Satan’s open boldness in all forms of confrontations and fights against what is morally right, holy, and acceptable by the Holy Scriptures. We are in the days of the devil’s open display of lawlessness and impunity to the saints of Christ Jesus and sinners alike.

In Luke 11:1b we read; “Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples.” That was one request at the right time, to the right person, in the right place, to address the right situation then and any situation in the nearest future. That was one of the most important and serious plea of the disciples of Jesus Christ after their close observation of His actions and His prayer life; the life of John the Baptist, his disciples, and comparing their own lives and actions. That was one of the most important requests presented to Jesus Christ by his disciples, and He did not hesitate in granting that request without asking questions or demanding to know their reasons. 

They did not wait until they were in any form of trouble, confusion or attack before making that request. They did not wait until Judas was identified, or his plots made known before asking to be taught how to pray. They were people who were ready for any form of confrontation from the devil, any form of attack, and any form of confusion; they were people who were ready to stand up and take the kingdom, people who were ready to confront the devil head-on in any situation any day, anywhere, and in any moment; people who were not ready to give up their dreams and desire, people who were not ready to give up in life, and people who were not ready for any form of excuse for failure because they were not ready to fail in any way and in anything. 

Prayer is not simple, and not as easy as people may say, but the method is simple and easy if you are willing. Many people today have abandon prayers; many have just refuse to pray or are just too lazy or uninterested, and many have completely lost faith and hope that their prayers will ever be answered. But despite the feelings and thoughts you have, God still answers prayers, is still as interested in our prayers as He was with the prayers of the apostles

Prayer is one of the best methods that we can use to communicate effectively with God at any time concerning any of our needs, desires, and dreams in life. It is the best method of expressing ourselves, our pains, our frustrations, our joy, our expectations and our plans in life. Prayer is key ingredient in maintaining and sustaining our close relationship with God. When you lost the joy of praying, you also lost the joy of having peace and victory. Without a good and an effective prayer life, you will continually experience severe limitations and demonic manipulations on a higher level in everything you will ever lay your hands to do in life on earth. 

Simple praying is a sure relieve to any form of burdens, worries, confusions, evil confrontations and manipulations, delays and denials, frustrations and misfortunes. Prayers open the hearts of men and the eyes of God thereby putting the devil and his devices on the run. Instead of being fearful, be prayerful; instead of being confrontational and abusive, be prayerful; instead of being angry and remaining vexed up the rest of the day, pray. Instead of allows the devil to take the best of your thought and day, pray. One single and sincere prayer can change things and turn your life around for good forever, because God answers prayers. “Call upon me and I will answer and show you great and mighty things.” Jeremiah 33:3. For Prayers Click here