Post date: Jun 7, 2016 10:56:02 AM

Your better days are not far off any more; they are not pushed forward for any reason; they not being canceled for lack of power to fulfill; they are not kept in the secret and they are not in the hands of your enemies or those who hate and plan evil against you. Truly your best days are far beyond what you will ever come to know, it is the better perfect knowledge of the Almighty God who made you in His best image and excellent likeness; it is far beyond what you will ever see and come to see with your eyes, it is in the focused eyes of the Almighty God who sees, knows and follow you well enough to plan your ways for good; it is far beyond what men can and will do against you, it is the power of what the almighty God can and will definitely do in you and in the lives of all those who know Him, all those who trust in Him, all those who rely on Him, all those who obey His words, and all those who will ever remain faithful to Him despite all of their adverse circumstances in life. As anyone of us consistently thinks in his heart, so will that person speak in the open, so will that person act at any given opportunity, and so will that person be in real life. You will be what you are prepared for and consistently speak with your mouth.

Do you have deep consideration of your thoughts? Do you try to alien your words and thoughts with the word of God in the scriptures? Are your words and thoughts fixed on your situations permanently? Being prepared is absolutely much more than the physical things you do daily; it requires a deep and inner spiritual change, realignment of your total self with the undying word of God and walking in the power of the covered and protected blood of Jesus Christ. The first step in being prepared for the very best in life is to know the very best of the gift of God to all humanity; to reverence that gift; to hold that gift in high esteem; it is to be settled in your mind that with God on your side, there is absolutely no impossibility that will last longer than allowed in your side; with God in you darkness, guilt and sorrows cannot hold you in captivity; there is no height too tall that you will not crossover; there are no opposition too tough that you will not overcome; there is no illness too bad that God cannot heal; there is man too tough that God will not and cannot reach, touch and bend; there is location too remote that God cannot and will not reach; there is no situation too bad that will be permanent; there are no huddles too high that others had never successfully crossed; there is no deplorable situation that God cannot and had not changed for good; and there is nothing that true faith in Christ Jesus cannot change and make available for you as you walk with Him in obedience and truth. 

Irrespective of the sweetness and the fears in your dreams; despite the gathering of oppositions against you; irrespective of the wickedness of and in your current place and location; irrespective of the power of the evil around you, speaking good and excellent things to yourself prepares you for the best to come and keeps you focused on that which God alone had destined, planned and desired for your life. Always endeavor to follow the teachings of Christ, the good examples of people in the bible, follow their conducts, seek their purpose, faith, patience, steadfastness, love, diligence, perseverance, and seek to glorify God in all things. As God did not leave them behind in the magnification of His excellence and blessings in their lives, He will not leave you behind in His blessings as you prepare your heart and ways to be His in all things. “Indeed, all who delight in pursuing righteousness and are determined to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will be hunted and persecuted because of their faith. But evil men and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in the things that you have learned and are convinced holding tightly to the truths, knowing from whom you learned them, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is profitable for instruction, for conviction, for training in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:12-16. Click here for prayer