Post date: Sep 25, 2014 4:03:58 AM

“As I was with Moses, so I will be with you” Joshua 3:7. That is the promise of God for you today. The life of Moses was filled with challenges from the day of his conception in the womb till the day he died, but despite all those challenges, God gave him victory, gave him success and gave him the grace for extraordinary things. The life of every person with a Godly destiny will be filled with all forms of challenges, but none will be able to overcome that person, none will be able to stop God’s plans and purpose; none will be able to stop God’s dream, vision, and desires from taking its full place in their lives. This is because the words, His plans, and the purposes of God are final despite the situation at hand, your location and the people standing to oppose you.  

The life of Moses was quite ordinary in every sense, but the God in Him was never ordinary, He was, and still remains till today the Almighty God who will never share His position with any other god. People may see you as ordinary and refused to respect you and the words you speak, but the God you serve faithfully is never ordinary. People may refuse to regard or grant you any respect now as Pharaoh did with Moses, but when your God steps up His presence in your life with signs and wonders following, even those who had refused you for any reason will change or God will force them out physical with a disgrace as He did with Pharaoh.

Moses went before Pharaoh ten times to deliver the same words and desires of God to him, but he refused to respect those words and refused to respect Moses also. But Moses did not take the refusal of Pharaoh to accept his words as his failure, but as a challenge before God, and he never gave up telling Pharaoh the same words over and over again, because Moses know God will definitely honor His words irrespective of time, the actions, plans and desires of men, and God truly did honor His words. I am praying you will continue trusting the word of God irrespective of what people are doing and saying to you, God will definitely honor His words if you refuse to give-up, if you refuse to turn back, and if you refuse to allow the words of men to discourage you in the things that God asked you to do.

When God stepped up His presence in the life of Moses after almost eighty years of trusting and following Him, the ordinary life and person of Moses became an extraordinary one and Moses became a mighty tool in the hands of the Almighty God. I pray as you continue trusting God each new day for the same miracle year in and year out, as you continue going before Him with the same request, and you insist in trusting Him instead of the resistance and challenges before you, He will step up His presence in your life to take the glory. 

When God’s presence started manifesting in the life of Moses, his life was completely changed, His vision and purpose in life were changed, though his physical weakness was still there, his spiritual strength became more pronounced in leading and directing his life from then on. Moses talked with God face to face, Moses spent time with God until God changed him physically, Moses spent time with God until God gave him His laws and commandments; Moses spent time with God until the power needed to become a success was given to him.

Your days of miracles are nearer and will be here soon, your days of change is coming soon, your days of looking back are over because the presence of the Lord is changing you for good, bringing you into your future hope and destined joy. Moses was happy to see the day Pharaoh’s resistance was broken, he was happy to see the day the children of Israel started believing in him and accepting him, he was happy to see the day and time the children of Israel started moving out of the place and house of bondage and slavery, he was happy to see the day and time the Egyptians were unable to hinder them again, and he was happy to see the words of God fully taking place in the lives of the people. Your day and time of happiness will not be prolonged any farther. The God of Moses is your God and is with you.  For prayers, Click here