Post date: Oct 27, 2015 10:15:43 PM

That was exactly what they children of Israel thought and said the very day they saw themselves walking out of their place of bondage in Egypt and going on their way to the place that God had promised them through their Father Abraham. You may not be thinking of the possibility of the works and words and promises of God upon your life because of delays, denial, frustrations and disappointments; you may have forgotten all about God’s miraculous deeds and intervention before in your life and in the lives of others; but despite your thoughts and words, God had not forgotten His promises and covenant; He will never neglect you because of His seed in you, and He will never allow you to go without seeing what He had said and promised happening in your life because He had given you His salvation. The Children of Israel never thought they will see their freedom someday, but they never neglect their expectations and on that faithful day and time, God gave His commands and the favor of God showed up and lead them to the freedom He had promised because the promise was seal in His covenant with Abraham and His seed.  

You are a Christian by choice and that decision brings you directly under the power of a living and everlasting covenant which was not made by human hands; a covenant that was established by God long before you were born and in His perfect love with a divine purpose to fulfill in the lives of everyone who will ever seek to have it for his or her life. This is a covenant that can never be compromised for any reason, can never be rejected by God, can never be changed by man, can never be nullified and will never be ignore or put aside. This is a covenant that controls every other covenant; far more superior, potent, effective and very precise in all of its actions; it never deviates from the will of God. The working of the covenant had been pre-destined in your life through your believe and acceptance of Lord Jesus Christ as your only Lord and savior and your willingness to keep yourself under Him and follow Him in deeds, word, and actions.

Whatever your dream had been; whatever our desires had been; whatever your prayers had been; whatever the promise had been, irrespective of the number of years that you had been frustrated and denied, it is never impossible to fulfill the promises of God; God had restored women and men who had been in worse situations than you. You may think having lost all, you will never recover; after being old you will never marry and will never have children; after staying long without a job you will never get one; after staying long without someone to love and show affection you will never see one; after many trials you will never succeed. But that is not how God works, that is not how and what He thinks of you and that is not what He says of you. You were chosen, washed, set apart to show forth His glory and not the glory of man.

When the day of His set time is on you, nothing will stop you. Abraham and Sarah never thought Isaac will be born; Hannah never thought she will have seven children; Job never thought he will be restored even better; Jabez never thought things will turn around for him; David never thought he will be anointed king; Solomon never thought he will succeed his father; Zechariah and Elizabeth never though they will have a child. Solomon never thought he could be wealthier than his father. Peter never thought he could still have fish in the same water that disappointed him just the night before. The woman with the only coins never thought she would be recognized and praised by our Lord Jesus Christ after giving her all in the days offering.

“When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, The Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negeb. Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:1-6. For prayers, Click here