Post date: Nov 26, 2014 4:57:11 AM

“But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God. This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength. Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world; things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important. As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself. Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin. Therefore, as the Scriptures say, if you want to boast, boast only about the Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:24-31

Though you may have several challenges in life, yet you are still sons and daughters of the living God, and He will never forsake or forget those washed by, and cleansed through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ; though you may have problems seeing your expected needs for your next joy to be fulfilled as you would truly desire and have sincerely prayed, yet you are God’s eyes on earth to make perfect that which are destined to be perfected by you where you are right now; though you are yet to testify of God’s glorious goodness in your life, yet you are God’s mouthpiece for excellent and Godly conversations that changes lives: though you may have been jobless and still searching, yet you are God’s hands and feet to walk the earth and to accomplish all His desires, all His plans, and all His perfect will in the lives of men, and I pray you will be a success.

God will never send those He had not personally touched and prepare for any of His task; He will not send the unregenerate; He will not send agents of Satan, those gifted to enhance sorrows and wickedness in the lives of people on earth irrespective of their knowledge, their wealth, their willingness, their kindheartedness, and desire to help the poor; God will not send the perpetrators of evil; He will not send the inventors evil things; He will not send those whose duty is to corrupt the good, ethical and moral minds of His children; and He will not send the self-prepared. God is not sending the generations past, He is not sending the death, He is not sending the unrepentant, He is not sending the disobedient, and He is not sending those who do not know Him or have decided to completely refuse to accept His Son Jesus Christ.

He is sending you because He had accepted you as you have accepted Christ Jesus; He is sending you because He knows you believe and trust in Him; He is sending you because He had equipped you with His resources spiritually and physically for the job; He is sending you because He knows with His spirit in you, you will succeed in the task and be a success. He is sending you because you will bring glory to His name and through you His kingdom on earth will flourish and expand and His glory will fill the earth. God is not acting anything in you; He is active in you and through you to accomplish divine mandates.

He is not sending because you are wise and wealthy in your own understanding, but because you are willing to obey Him, willing to humble yourself under His control, and will to obey all the writings in the Holy Scripture. He is not sending you because you are mentally and physically and spiritually strong, but He is sending you because you will depend on His strength in accomplishing the task He is sending you to accomplish.

God did not make a mistake by calling you His sons and daughters; He did make a mistake by giving you that spouse, that child, that job, that family, and He did make a mistake by allowing the devil to tempt you, because God can never make a mistake, you will succeed and you will be a success. For prayers, Click here