Post date: Sep 29, 2016 12:05:21 AM

God’s grace has the power to declare you qualified for that which you had been denied already; it has the power to accept you in that which you had been rejected before; it has the power to keep you where you are being frustrated and discourage until the blessings come because God knows the plans He has for you now and in the nearest future. Grace has the power to declare you fit and healthy; it has the power to keep you safe and sound despite the attacks; it has the power to oppose the infiltration of sin and wickedness into your life and to sustain your faith and desire for godliness, for faithfulness, for righteousness, and for obedience; it has the power to justify despite the condemnations. Paul was clearly told God’s grace was sufficient for him even in his well-known weakness and the lack of strength to do what he desired to do in life for the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. Grace is real not imagination; it cannot be faked and cannot be destroyed by forces of darkness.

When God’s grace is at work, the way will be made possible even when it had been declared by men as impossible; the doors that are closed will be open for you while closed for others behind you; opportunities will last longer and will come in large numbers; ability is experienced and seen beyond the ordinary; mercies will be experienced at all levels; what had been difficult will become easy; men will run to offer assistance because they will also receive benefits through you; the powers that had been reigning before will give way for you to excel and attain a new height for Christ; you will navigate through rough situations and tough places unharmed and your peace will not be shattered despite the presence of fear, dishonesty, injustice and discouragement. The grace of God is far much more than just receiving favor and having all you need; it enables you to accomplish all that God had said, had destined and had designed for you in life.

They may have denied you but God has a place and a plan for you through His grace; they have refused you, but God had already accepted you and predestined you for greatness; you may feel unqualified, inadequate and ill prepared, but God said you are qualified adequately fitted and well prepared to be accepted and offered the chance for the upward rise to the position destined by Him through grace  and predestined for you in this very life; they may have condemned you but refuse to condemn yourself, you still have ample opportunities in Christ Jesus; they may have denied you, but do not be offended and bitter, better things and places are on the way for you by His grace; they may have looked down on your efforts in life, but the Holy One who is above and looks down on the sons and daughter of men will be made to look up for your sake when the time comes. Someone at the top will not feel comfortable until you are lifted up according to the will, the plans and the grace of God for your life.

Oh God let Your grace begin to flow: “And we know with great confidence that God who is deeply concerned about us causes all things to work together as a plan for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. For those whom He foreknew and loved and chose beforehand, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son and ultimately share in His complete sanctification, so that He would be the firstborn, the most beloved and honored among many believers. And those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified, declared free of the guilt of sin; and those whom He justified, He also glorified, raising them to a heavenly dignity. What then shall we say to all these things? If God is for us, who can be successful against us?” Romans 8:28-31

God’s grace had qualified you to be given the appointment; to be promoted and given a raise that is beyond your previous expectations; to be relocated to a better place; to remain at the top and at the employment; to advance beyond where you are right now; to see the very best in the place He had placed you; to be married and to have an increase. For prayers Click here