Post date: Oct 22, 2013 6:21:17 AM

God wants to take you to a new and better level in life, a level that you experience His majesty and unending love; He wants to move forward towards the mark of His high calling and blessing and not backward to what you were yesterday. He wants to take you upward and not downward, He wants your increase and not your decrease; He wants you to grow and not to remain a dwarf, and He wants you to experience the blessings that will completely eradicate the memory of the evil activities of the devil in your life yesterday. He can do whatever He wants for your life and is quite ready to begin over and over again.

Consciously or unconsciously, dwelling in your yesterday and looking back in regret is never the best for you now and in the nearest future, not the will, plans and purpose of God for your life now and in the nearest future. While yesterday may have been good, but despite all that, better things are waiting for you in your tomorrow. If they were bad, God will give you a change that will enable you to forget those past years of regrets.  

By the grace of the Almighty God, your eyes, your heart, your mind, your thoughts and your vision will not glue to that which has past, rather they will be focused and joyfully hopeful glued to that which is to come in Christ Jesus, that which is according to the promises of God for your life, that which makes the heart glad and the mouth to shout for joy. That which is sweet to tell and sweet to hear, that which heaven will rejoice in giving, and the earth will not be able to stop or refused, and the devil cannot stop.

The best place the devil intends to keep you is in your yesterday, constantly regretting what had been through the past years, what you have lost, and what you could not achieved but could not despite your very best efforts and assistance. God intends to take you into a glorious tomorrow in Christ Jesus. The greatest evil you will ever do to yourself is to keep looking back into your past good or bad old days, your past sins and failures, your past wealth and past favors, your past unpleasant encounters with people, the past state of your health, your past income and earnings, your past education and your past beauty. Whatever is past cannot be recreated but you can create the future you need by the things you hope for and expect today.

Looking back always generate regrets, ill feelings and self-pity. Looking back has the power to kill your courage, strength and motivation. Looking back makes you to focus on yourselves rather than on our God. The devils intent is to constantly remind you of the evil that had happened yesterday, your painful mistakes of yesterday, and your failures in almost all things. Your God wants to take you beyond your past into your future, beyond your fears and weakness into His strength, beyond your wondering into a solid foundation, beyond the very best of your yesterday into the very best of your tomorrow.

Whenever you look back, God wants you to remember the day of your salvation from the powers and wickedness of sin, to remember your victory through the blood of Jesus at the cross at Calvary, to remember that you were redeemed from sin, plains and destruction .He wants you to remember that Christ paid the ultimate price for your life.

“For He foreordained us, destined us to be adopted as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will. So that we might be to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the remission of our offenses, in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor” Ephesians 1:5-7