Post date: Dec 3, 2012 5:16:07 AM

Not until you come to the point of truly knowing who you are and live in it wholeheartedly, you will never have the peace you deserve and will never be contented and satisfied in life. What you are now can change at any time, but who you are remains with you till eternity. What you are can change because of your incorrect assessment by men, incorrect assessment by yourself, and by the society at large. Whenever you assess yourself with a wrong motive, with wrong parameters, with human comparative tendencies and attributes, you will never be satisfied and will never be who God had made you to be. You were specially crafted, diligently knitted together with the utmost care and mastery, fitted with the very best of all spiritual and physical potentials by the Almighty God to fulfill a purpose that is far bigger than the best of your dreams, and the best of any human thought and imagination concerning you. You were never hurriedly put together and dropped on earth to wonder without producing a result. You were divinely conceived by God before you were conceived by your mother, you were made by God and God alone, and true to His nature, He watches over everyone and everything He had ever made and created.  

One of the greatest problems with most of us is not the lack of knowledge on what to do or the will power to do them, it is not the lack of human assistance or human resources, it is the wrong assessments we continuously uphold about ourselves, about our physical and spiritual conditions, about our positions in any establishment, profession and our potentials. We have ignorantly given ourselves and our Christian faith wrong assessment, whenever anything or anyone is wrongly assessed in any situation, the result is suffering despite the potentials and the blessings inherent in such potential. God did not make any mistake in you despite your numerous mistakes  

What you are right now and where you are does not fully describe who you are before God. Poverty or wealth does not fully describe your person. Your situation mighty be very pathetic, but your God is never, you may be very pitiful in the eyes of men and in your own eyes, but your God is not, the situation you are in right now is never without a remedy, you may have been confused on the way forward, but your God is never. Whatever you are and whatever you do, your best description is with God, and He is quite able and ready to restore you, lift you up and strengthen you again to stand. Your first failure does not mean you will fail again in your second attempt at success in life. Your first attempt may have been disastrous or very painful, but your second attempt will be glorious through Christ Jesus. God is lifting up to run this race again in a more precise manner, not through fate and chance, but through His divine word and ways, and this time around, you will not fail, you will not be disappointed, you will not be disgraced and you will make profit. Who you are is what takes and considers and nothing else.  

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand. And when I wake up, you are still with me” Psalm 139:13-18 [NLT]

Despite your fears, the condemnations and failures, despite the wrong assessments and evaluations handed down to you by men and wrong personal assumption, God is still with you for good. Your condition is not as pathetic as you have made it to look, it is bound to change, and it is bound to produce a deserved joy. We are in the month of assessment and evaluations, God will give His best and strengthen you. “This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.” Psalm 34:6. God crafted you with all diligence. For prayer Click here