Post date: May 6, 2013 4:13:37 AM

The devil is bringing things you never asked, desired, prayed and dream into your life now, but through the word of God, you will have the victory, you will not remain in that captivity forever. What you see at any particular moment in your life and in your surrounding has the power to change your life drastically. It has the power to affect your thoughts, vision, dreams, desires, action and your overall drive in everything. There is power in your eyes to keep you motivated or demoralized, to open your heart for expected or unexpected things or close it down from having such experiences completely. There is power in what you see that can make you very happy or very sad, hungry for life or distaste living a second longer. God is helping you in many ways.

God expects you to cultivate the very best in His words that you hear every day and that it should affect what you see every day in your life, in your environment and hear from others you; despite what you feel and what you are experiencing in your locations, physical, spiritual situations, your gender, age and profession. God wants you to see that which will be a blessing to you now and in the future despite what is being forced on you by foes, and the media.  He wants what you see with your eyes to affect your life positively, but how can that be effective in these days and times you may ask? Remember, you are assured in the scriptures that with God there are good, well pleasing and acceptable possibilities, that there is nothing He cannot do in you and for you when you diligently follow His instructions.  

Despite who you are, what you see, what you know, what you experience and what you are doing right now, what you hear and believe can change you for good, God has an expectation that is far higher than what you are experiencing right now, and He desires to change you. This is what Jeremiah said of himself and the question God asked him after his complains.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you as My chosen instrument, and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; and I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Then said I, Ah, Lord God Behold, I cannot speak, for I am only a youth. But the Lord said to me, Say not, I am only a youth; for you shall go to all to whom I shall send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Be not afraid of them, their faces, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day appointed you to the oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Jeremiah, what do you see? And I said, I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree the emblem of alertness and activity, blossoming in late winter. Then said the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. And the word of the Lord came to me the second time, saying, What do you see? And I said, I see a boiling pot, and the face of it is tipped away from the north its mouth about to pour forth on the south, on Judea. Jeremiah 1:5-13

What do you see after hearing God’s word and meditating on this devotional? God He expects you to see your healing as possible and coming very soon, your deliverance from bondages of sin and evil manipulators. He expects you to see possibilities and good opportunities, victories and blessings, peace and better direction in life, He expects you to see and experience greater love, hope, grace and faith. Like Jeremiah, God expects you to see your future clearly and to pursue it

God saw Adam and Eve cloth when they saw themselves naked after sin. He saw the children of Israel reaching the Promised Land despite spending forty years in the wilderness, He saw Abram having a child through Sarah despite their being advanced in age. Jesus Christ saw Lazarus sleeping while the sisters and neighbors saw him dead. What do you see now? For prayer Click here