Post date: Jul 8, 2014 4:17:11 AM

“I am Joseph, your brother whom you sold into Egypt. But don’t be angry with yourselves that you did this to me, for God did it. He sent me here ahead of you to preserve your lives.” Genesis 45:4-5. When it comes to dreams and visions from God, they are not old fashion in any way; they are as relevant and powerful today as they were in the ancient days with men and women that God used. Dreams and visions are one of the clearest ways that God uses to implant something in us that we will not forget easily. One great thing in dreams and visions is your ability to remember the details, understand the message and use it appropriately to glorify God and pay the price. When God gives you a dream, it is your responsibility to seek understanding only through His guardian in the Holy Scriptures.

Having the understanding of dreams and visions is a gift from God. Having dreams and visions is as important as seeking its understanding and that should not be taken for granted. Messages in dreams are real and always contain more than it was revealed. Handling of dreams is also as important as having the understanding, and knowing what is required for you to do thereafter. In all cases, the dream speaks to you first before others, it requires you to act first in a certain way according to the word of God before the result will start coming. If you refuse to act accordingly, then you will not have the benefits contained in the dream.

Dreams may come as a guide to direct you in what you are doing or about to do, a warning in what you have been doing or about to do, a revelation of what the future will be. Some dreams come in a picture form and others in words, some are a combination; but irrespective the means that God uses to communicate to you, your actions is very paramount to your living the dream. If the dream is a guide, a warning or a direction, never ignore doing them; always remember that divine dreams has principles which are clearly stated in the Holy Scriptures       

The devil does not understand and cannot correctly interpret divine dreams because his ways are always contrary to the divine ways and words of God at every point in time and occasion. You should never seek to follow divine dreams with your own understanding and in your own ways. Irrespective of the dream and its implications, irrespective of what people will do against you in following those dreams, God will always want you to seek His ways and His peace. God will not give you a dream that He will not defend and protect you as you follow them, He will not give you a dream that is contrary to His words, and He will not give you a dream that will lead you away from His glory, whether the dream is a guide, a warning or a direction.

Remember when God gave Joseph a dream, he was hated and envied by His brothers to the point of conspiring to kill him or get rid of from their sight. Even his parents doubted him and resolve to play the wait and see; no one helped Joseph at any point even with excellent character as a slave in the house of Potiphar and in the prison yard. But despite all, Joseph lived to see the dreams fulfilled. In all his humiliations, Joseph never in any way acted contrary to the word of God and never doubted the dream; he did not hate back and did not wait until they come to seek forgiveness first, he acted first and God blessed him.  When you take God away from your dreams, you make the dream inactive and open the door for the devil to take advantage and work against you.

As you are moving towards the fulfillment of God’s divine dreams and visions in your life, never think to retaliate the evil that people had done to you in the past; never think of paying them back in the same coin, treating them with the same measure they treated you, do not consider any revenge, and hatred, God is about to bless you and you must be ready to receive the blessing. For prayers, Click here