Post date: Jul 11, 2016 5:23:40 AM

God’s unique design in, of and for you is such that in this very life, you have impact and you will make great impacts in others around you and that is what the devil had seen in you is trying all he could by using all of his instruments to stop you from fulfilling that design for and in your life now and in the future; but irrespective of what the devil will ever do against you; irrespective of the instruments he will deploy to destroy you, he had failed and will continue to fail because you were designed by God for something greater than you; saved by God to reflect His true image and likeness; delivered by God from the shackles of the devil and all of his wickedness; set free by God to have and to live a brand new life; equipped by God for extraordinary exploits in your profession and to have impacts; sent forth into this world by God to accomplish a divine purpose; and ordained for sign, for wonders and extraordinary praise to the living God.

Whatever God had placed inside of you is not dead and will not die until you see them bringing forth fruits and great benefits into your life and that of others as God had intended and designed. God did not make any mistake in you and the devil cannot declare you a permanent mistake on earth because the God who made you is still alive; very active perfecting His ways, His thoughts and purpose for your life every day; and is watching over you. Many are asking when they will come out of failures and fears; when they will be free from the powers of darkness and shame; they are asking when they will no longer remember the evil past in their lives and rejoice in the glory of God for themselves, their children and their family; they are asking when will they see the promised blessings of God manifested and when they will eat the fruit of their salvation through grace in the name of Jesus Christ? The fact is that despite your questions; the delays and the frustrations; the failures, the shame and the lack, you were designed for better days and better things, and they will definitely come to pass in your life.

You will definitely have many questions to ask yourself and God, but the best answer is that the Almighty God is still with you despite the questions and the situations; He is still for you in that very location and circumstance; He is still by you despite the fears, condemnation and rejection of men; He is still with you despite the injustices and denials by men, and He is actively holding onto all of His promises concerning your life irrespective of your past experiences and fears of what is ahead for you today. Let your heart be fixed on Him and not your current situation. I am convinced you will overcome and you will rejoice in the victory that He will bring to you soon. You may be thinking you know yourself well enough but there are many things in you that you do not know and the ones you think you know; you may not have the adequate understanding of how they can impact your life positively or impact others positively. You will never know what is in you until God opens your eyes to see and know them; open your knowledge to realize you have them in you; open your understanding to know how to use them,  and give you the grace and the ability to benefit in them the way He originally intended. There are many people that God had destined to impact the lives of others positively and yet these people are living in sadness, they are living and struggling with failures; they are unable to move out of themselves; they have low motivation and poor self-esteem and yet God had destined them to have impact in themselves and to impact others in an amazing way. This is what David said:

“O Lord, you have searched me and have known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and You are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, behold, O Lord, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, and placed Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is too high, I cannot reach it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? Click here for prayer