Post date: Jul 27, 2015 1:25:55 PM

The Almighty God who alone is your helper will see your eyes as they are fixed on Him; He will hear the voice of your cries; He had seen your surrendered hearts and will and He will respond with the kind of help that no man had ever given to you or will ever think of or be able to give to you. He will amaze you with the help that will result in the joy that had eluded you all these years, all these times and in all the past seasons of your life. The God who knows and enables all that are His own knows you and will never fail to deliver you from the wickedness that had held you captive and put you in the shame you never expected as you were growing up.

The God you fix your eyes on will help you; He will deliver you; He will set you free from the things causing shame, discouragement , disappointment and disgrace in your life; He will uphold your heart and your feet and your ways from being taken away to evil; He will take you up from where you have fallen and from where men had dumped you; He will establish your going out and your coming in according to His goodness and mercies; He will make His face to shine upon you even when darkness is all over you and men are running away from helping you; He will cause His words to be manifested in your life and He will establish your feet on solid grounds as He had destined for you before the foundations of the earth.

He who kept others will also keep you; He who blesses others will also bless you; He who causes the seeds sowed to bud and bear great fruit will also cause you to bud and to bear living and lively fruit that will glorify His name on earth; He who preserves that which are given and kept under His care will also preserve you even in the presence of your most fearful enemies and foes that seeks your utmost destruction daily. Your God is stronger; He is able and willing to do to you and with you the good things He had done in the lives of others who fixed their eyes on Him for help at any time in the history of humanity.

Never be discouraged when men decides otherwise towards you and consistently acts in ways you never expected from them even when they clearly know your needs, see your tears, and hear your plea for help. Men may refuse to render the help you need but God will never turn His back indefinitely on you; He will never close His ears indefinitely against your cries and He will never turn His back on you permanently when you are always before Him. Men turn their eyes away from Christ Jesus on the cross but God’s eyes were on Him always; men close their ears to His cries, but God was always listening to Him even when He was on the cross; men refused to give Him water to drink but gave Him vinegar instead in their wickedness, but God never allowed the vinegar to have effect on Him; men took His cloths from Him and shared it amongst themselves, but God never allowed Him to go naked thereafter; men spitted on Him and blindfolded Him, but He was never blind to the grace and the glory that was waiting for Him from God Almighty; men and His disciples deserted Him, but God was always there to comfort Him in His times of need; in the time appointed, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, glorified and made greater than what men imagined against Him. David was also rejected, hunted down to be killed by Saul and his armed men; he was denied the basic things in life and made to live in caves, but God never rejected Him and never allowed what men did to him to affect what He will do for him.     

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to slip or to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all evil; He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.” Psalm 121:1-8. For prayers, Click here For 2015 Praise and worship songs Click Here