Post date: Jul 13, 2012 8:35:32 AM

More than ever before, we have more people today who are eager for God to use them, to give them specific messages to the world and to send them to perform specific duties on earth. There is nothing as good and satisfying in life than to be used by God for His purpose despite the pains associated with such a mission. One discouraging aspect of all these desires is that, most of those who are asking to be used and sent are not physically and mentally ready for the mission, are not willing to endure the pains, not willing to surrender personal desires, accomplishments in life and comfort completely and will never be willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice that will enable them to the work successfully. God will not want you to go on the cross the second time, but to take your cross and follow Him. Christ Jesus went there once for every soul. To be used by God, He requires only three sacrifices, 1. Obedience, even when such hurts, 2.  Forgiveness at all points to all men, irrespective of nationality and religion and, 3. Real patience at all times.

One of the thrilling life stories in the bible is that of Joseph, a teenager without personal vision and ambition to push through life, dearly loved by his father and really hated by his brothers. Now, God decided to use Joseph, not that he asked for it, and to use him, God had to send him somewhere, and without telling him where and what will befall him, God gave him a dream that involves the destiny and posterity of his father’s household.

The dream increased the hated and initiated the plot to kill him, which finally resulted in their selling him to slavery. That journey took Joseph to places he never dreamt of, never thought of, and never desired to be in his entire life, but despite all the odds and stigmas, God kept him through them all. That is the same God you serve today, the God that kept and protected Joseph even in awkward, and deplorable situations and location. Did you know that there is no condition that God cannot take you through in life?     

Unknown to Joseph, the dream was to embark on a message for God. Unknown to his father and brothers, their actions were to release Joseph that God may take him on a journey to prepare a place for them in the future that will preserve their lives. I pray that God will take you to the place He has destined for you with all courage and determination.

The most interesting part of this dream and actions is the end of it all. The only explanation of Joseph’s brothers after the passage of time and on seeing Joseph alive and very powerful in a foreign land was cries and regrets. But this is the best of it all, Joseph’s account; “And Joseph said to his brothers, I am Joseph, Is my father still alive? And his brothers could not reply, for they were distressingly disturbed and dismayed at [the startling realization that they were in] his presence. And Joseph said to his brothers, Come near to me, I pray you. And they did so. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now, do not be distressed and disheartened or vexed and angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to preserve life. --- God sent me before you to preserve for you a posterity and to continue a remnant on the earth, to save your lives by a great escape and save for you many survivors. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh and lord of all his house and ruler over all the land of Egypt” Genesis 45:3-8

Did you know that despite the thoughts and actions of men against you on God’s mission, you will stand out like Joseph and introduce yourself confidently without regrets? This is what you should do, forgive unconditionally and unceremoniously, be very patient with all men and self, remember, every mission will be tested and every messenger remains a servant to the master and the people, and be always obedient to God. See you at the top as Joseph. Amen.

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