Post date: Oct 20, 2015 11:15:04 PM

“But the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaved” Judges 16:22. The regrowth of Samson's hair was a symbol of the restoration of his God given strength so he can continue doing what God had destined for him in life; in His love and after the prayers of Samson, God restored him in the purpose he was created for in the first place. Remember his hair was the symbol of his vows to God as a Nazarite. Samson’s power did not come from his hair, but it came from having a true covenant relationship with the Lord. The regrowth of his hair was only symbolic of the restoration of the special relationship Samson had enjoyed with the Lord before he fell. God is working something in you that will result in your full restoration as was the case of Samson; people will soon see it in you and will magnify His name for bringing your unexpected restoration.

While men were busy laughing Samson for the loss of his strength after shaving his hair, God was busy preparing him for another exploit; they succeeded in plucking off his eyes thereafter; succeeded in putting him in the prison; succeeded in making him labor in an unfriendly territory; and succeeded in using him for their entertainment; though God allowed all these to happen to Samson, He never forsake him and never abandoned him. Men may have succeeded in many ways against you; they may have used you as an object of their funfair and entertainment, they may have succeeded in making you labor in an unfriendly and unholy territory without adequate compensation, they may have taken your very best like they plugged off Samson’s eyes, yet in that same state, God stepped in and began a restoration process in his life. I am asking God to begin yours also right now irrespective of what condition they devil or people had caused you fall into before now. I am asking God to forgive any sin that may have contributed to your fall or delays in manifesting His promises. While in prison, God showed mercy to Samson and caused his hair to grow again, He can and will also do yours.

Before God restored Samson’s victory the second time, He first restored his hair because that was the symbol of his covenant with him even when his two eyes were plugged off his head. God knows the symbol of His covenant with you and once that covenant is restored every thing else will definitely be restored in your life; remember Samson’s two eyes were till off but his strength was restored and his victory assured and celebrated thereafter by his people. God went right where it mattered to begin the right process that will produce the right result. He will do exactly the same for you, going right to the source of the covenant to fully restore you.

As God did restore Samson by growing back his hair, so will He restore you by restoring the power of the covenant of your salvation and redemption. He will not allow you to go back to the shame that had plagued your life all these years irrespective of their names and magnitude of affliction in your life and that of your family. He will not take you backward but forward to His promised glory despite all of your frustrations and painful disappointments and broken promises of men who thought they have had you where they wanted.

When God restores the symbol and the source of his covenant in your life, definitely the voice of your praises will be restored and it will heard loud and clear; your testimony will attract others to your God and will result in the restoration of your confidence to continue in Him and be totally focused on the mission He had called you to fulfill on earth besides your thoughts and training. He will restore your strength to do exploit; taking you from having a little insignificant strength to having a great strength that will amaze people even in your weakness and age. He will restore your power to dream dreams and to begin seeing visions coming to pass in your life and in the lives of those around you. When your dreams are fully restored, your joy will definitely follow. He will restore your understanding and knowledge of divine and physical things and give you the ability to desire what is good and acceptable and have them. For prayers, Click here