Post date: Aug 5, 2013 4:02:34 AM

In the time of great farming in the land, God told Isaac clearly, you will make it despite this. In the time of fear because of what was happening to him and to his business, God told Isaac with all confidence, do not be afraid of what you see and hear about your life and your business, you will make it despite the odds. In the time of uncertainty, God told Isaac, if you will believe in my words as you believe in me, faithfully and diligently follow them as Abraham did, I will be with you and you will make it. In times of external uprising, God told Isaac, be calm, stand still and you will see My power in the Lord, you will make it. That is the word of God for you. 

The good things you know and truly convinced about will sustain you in the days of mounting doubt, the good things you do consistently will sustain you in the days of drought, and the God you follow diligently will ensure you are not disgraced despite the competition, the competitors present, the profession and your location. This assurance is not from man, but from the Lord God Almighty, the one who made you and loves you and is well able to do all that He said.

What are you going through? What are you experiencing? What are you seeing, hearing and feeling? It is not what you see, hear, feel and experience that matters. What matters in your pursuit of success is what you do with the word of God you hear in all situations. Obedience is the key action that ensures the presence, the power and the fulfillment of every word of God.

“And there was a famine in the land, other than the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Philistines. And the Lord appeared to him and said, Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land of which I will tell you. Dwell temporarily in this land, and I will be with you and will favor you with blessings; for to you and to your descendants I will give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will make your descendants to multiply as the stars of the heavens, and will give to your posterity all these lands; and by your Offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, or by Him bless themselves. For Abraham listened to and obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commands, My statutes, and My laws. So Isaac stayed in Gerar. Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year a hundred times as much as he had planted, and the Lord favored him with blessings. And the man became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and distinguished; He owned flocks, herds, and a great supply of servants, and the Philistines envied him. And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will favor you with blessings and multiply your descendants for the sake of My servant Abraham. They said, We saw that the Lord was certainly with you; so we said, Let there be now an oath between us, carrying a curse with it to befall the one who breaks it, even between you and us, and let us make a covenant with you” Genesis 26:1-6, 12-14, 24, 28

When Jesus Christ our redeemer told God the Father in a prayer in the garden of gethsemane to take the experience of the cross away from Him, God told Him straight, fear not, I will be with you, will go with you and will ensure your resurrection and restoration. That same word is for you today. Fear not, because you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, God the Father is also giving you that same assurance. He will go with you and He will be with you, He will not wait until you fall before lifting you up, He will restore you despite what the devil may do with, and to you, and He will ensure you are not disgraced. Christ died, was buried, while the devil was about to celebrate, God raised Him up from the grave. He was not disgraced.

“And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, then He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life your mortal, short-lived, perishable bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.” Romans 8:10-11. You will make it. For prayer Click here