Post date: Mar 14, 2019 3:49:50 AM

The children of Israel had wished their freedom would come sooner but it did not; in their best of days they had dreamed of freedom and even told others about it, but the dream came by and went by without their freedom, they may have concluded dreams don’t matter again and wishes will not help them; they may have refused to believe dreams any more or believe any word from anyone concerning them again. Remember Moses told God the children of Israel would not believe him or believe his message. “And Moses answered and said, but, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, the Lord hath not appeared unto thee. And Moses said unto God, behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, what is his name? What shall I say unto them?” Exodus 4:1 Exodus 3:13. The evil of captivity is that it makes you doubt yourself, doubt others, doubt the words of God and even doubt God. That was what had happened to the children of Israel after forty hundred and thirty years in captivity. But this is a true testimony. God did not doubt Himself, did not doubt His power, did not doubt His ability and He did not change or forget His plans for them.

God has not forgotten His plans and purpose and design and the future He has for you. He will do it. “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like those who dream, it seemed so unreal. Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us; we are glad. Restore our captivity, O Lord, as the stream-beds in the South are restored by torrents of rain. They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing. He who goes back and forth weeping, carrying his bag of seed for planting will indeed come again with a shout of joy bringing his sheaves with him.” Psalms 126:1-6.

The evil in captivity can make you forget the very best of yourself; it can make you forget the very best of God’s promises to you, forget the way and the means of getting what you need and what you want; it can make you forget that good day are ahead, that God is still existing and that He is capable and willing and able to do the impossible and that there is no situation beyond Him and beyond His knowledge. The evil in captivity can make you conclude all is lost and you will never recover and will never be someone again, yet in that same situation, under that same evil of captivity, God can turn you around for good forever, He can break the chains of that captivity from you completely, and He can remove the yokes from off your life completely and forever.

The children of Israel spent four hundred and thirty years in captivity, they spent enough time in sorrows to make them forget freedom and forget their God, they got used to being punished and used and tortured; they got used to just living and obeying their captors commands without anything to add or remove; they lived to forgot their thoughts and their best and bad, past or present dreams of joy and sadness, yet when their troubles increased, they remembered that God can still be trusted and they cried for help. But despite all that they forgot about themselves, children and joy, God did not in any way and by any means forget them.

They spent four hundred and thirty years in separation from the covenant, but the covenant was still intact because God did not back out of His promises. They spent four hundred and thirty years thinking when their redemption will come and how it will happen, yet they did not know that God’s plans for them were still intact. They spent four hundred and thirty years in hard labor, uncomfortable labor, unending dreams, and unforgettable desires, unfulfilled plans and thoughts, yet God’s plans for them were unshattered. They spent four hundred and thirty years witnessing children born, elders die, generations pass by, yet the plans of God for never arrived. But it finally arrived and it was like a dream. Yours will come in Jesus Name. Prayer Request Click here