Post date: Feb 28, 2017 1:14:35 AM

The opinions of men and your best reasoning will never be better than the words of God at any given time and place; they will never produce the same result; they will never have the same impact and they will measure up in any way to what God intend to do for in you by asking you to relocate. While men will look at the physical situations to make their decision, God looks at His plans for you now and for your coming generation in the future. Remember God can bless you where you are right now but when He asks you to move, it is for a reason that you might not see right now and might not know by careful reasoning. Remember also that God will not ask you to move because of current recession or unemployment or famine, or any injustice that you may be currently suffering. He can change things instantly and turn your situation around for the best, but when His word is move, it might be at you very best or worst of times where you are, He knows better and has a better understanding of His plans and you will have to move. He will take you to a better place and you experience His best than you have ever had before.

God has a good intent for you and for the families who depends on you; He has better plans in all circumstance that you will ever face; He has a better place He intends to keep you safe, joyful and well taken care of, and He has better resources for you wherever He will relocate you to on this earth. When you are wholeheartedly committed to Him, He will never renege on His promise to you and in His words as clearly stated in the scriptures. In every circumstance; in every event and in every situation, God had never ended up disappointed by His action or inaction and when you depend on Him, you will never end up being disappointed by Him; He had never defeated and had surrendered to evil. When He takes up, He will defend you, He will guide you, He will keep you and He will ensure you are safe and blessed. When God takes you up, He renews you; He transforms you, He blesses you, and he positions you to reflect His glory and testify of His goodness, of His faithfulness and His mercies. No one had ever regretted following Him; none had ever regretted depending on Him, and none had ever regretted obeying Him. Abram was not deterred by fear or uncertainty of his future; he was ready and willing to obey and follow the word he heard. God said ‘go to a place that I will show you.’ Abram did not know where to but he was sure God will direct his steps; God will show him the path; God will help and keep his focus and thoughts as he walks, and God will bless his ending. God did exactly that and He also confirmed all of His promises as Abram took the step forward by and in faith.

There are certain things that God will not do for us until we walk in absolute obedience despite the pains we will have to endure doing just that. While enduring the pains of obedience, it will be good to remember that such pains will be temporal; it will not last forever; it will not destroy us and it will not kill us. The reward that will come thereafter and the result will be amazingly with joy and the sweetness we can never think of in our best thoughts and dreams. God told Abram to relocate without telling exactly the physical place to relocate to. “Now in Haran the Lord had said to Abram, go away from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house to the land which I will show you; I will make you a great nation, I will bless you abundantly, and make your name great, exalted, distinguished; and you shall be a blessing, a source of great good to others; and I will bless, do good for, benefit those who bless you, and I will curse, that is, subject to My wrath and judgment the one who curses, despises, dishonors, has contempt for you. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed. So Abram departed in faithful obedience as the Lord had directed him, and Lot his nephew left with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.” Genesis 12:1-4. Abram had what he did not dream of in life by walking in obedience and he had more than he inherited from his father. When God wants to expand you, He will ask you to do things you will never be able to imagine or dream. For Prayers Click here