Post date: Mar 28, 2021 11:18:49 PM

Do you know God will answer you? I do. Do you believe He will give you peace? I do. Do you think it is all over for you? I don’t. There is hope for you, and there is assurance in His words for you. He is an amazing God, doing amazing things. Your request may be simple in nature and in words, but God will give you an amazing answer; your request may have come from a troubled thought, troubled heart, and feelings of pains, rejection, loneliness, and neglect, but God in His love will give you an amazing answer. Your request may be as a request of an issue you know or have heard or currently experiencing, but God will give you an amazing answer. The God I serve is the God who answers prayers and gives bread to those who dare ask from Him in faith and humility of heart. “For everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks finds. If only you will knock, the door will open. If a child asks his father for a loaf of bread, will he be given a stone instead? If he asks for fish, will he be given a poisonous snake? Of course not. And if you hard-hearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won’t your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask him for them?” Matthew 7:8-11

Do not let go of your expectations from God because of the past, present, or future adversities; do not let go of your expectations because of your enemies, their strength, location, position, wealth, and successful wicked activities, God can still give you an amazing answer, amazing victory, an amazing joy, amazing restoration, and a surprising deliverance such that will stun all of them irrespective of their power over of you, high positions of authority, number of people against you despite all of their threats and knowledge of doing evil and achieving successes in such.

Never think God will not answer you because the people against you are more knowledgeable in their positions, there are more powerful than you, richer and in a position to do whatever is in their desire to do. They may be more powerful and richer but your God is exceeding in all things; they may be in higher positions than you, but your God is higher than all things physical and spiritual; they may know the situation and environment more than you, but your God is all-knowing and all-powerful. Trust God when you pray to Him; trust Him when you ask anything from Him in your prayers; trust Him when you experience delays, and keep trusting Him even when you are humiliated, rejected, and shamefully treated by men. God has more than just being sufficient for you in life in His presence through Christ Jesus. This is what Christ Jesus said; “Let not your heart be troubled. You are trusting God, now trust in me. There are many homes up there where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly. And you know where I am going and how to get there.” John 14:1-4   

God’s answer to your prayers will surprise you, will surprise your adversaries and enemies as His answer to Solomon’s prayers was a surprise to him and to the people waiting to see him fail after being the king, waiting to fall into their traps, waiting to see him use a terrible word, waiting to see him make a terrible mistake, waiting for him fumble in thoughts and actions, and waiting to see him shamefully removed from office as king. All of them waited in vain; instead of seeing Solomon removed as king, all of them saw him established as king in Israel by God; they saw him make great progress beyond their thoughts and imaginations of his capability; they saw him become stronger and bolder in words and in judgments; they saw him holding the throne in high esteem and great respect. They saw him doing much more than their minds could ever imagine of him. They saw Solomon rise and his enemies fall and fade out in his presence; they saw his accusers become ashamed of themselves and afraid of him. Christ Jesus asked the woman who was accused; “Where are your accusers? -- And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.” John 8:10-11. Your amazing answer from God will come. For prayers, Click here