Post date: Feb 11, 2015 4:59:06 AM

“As Jesus was traveling on from there, two blind men followed him, shouting, have mercy on us, Son of David. When he had gone into the house, the blind men came to him. Jesus asked them, do you believe I can do this? They told him, yes, Lord. Then he touched their eyes and said, According to your faith, let it be done for you. And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly told them, See to it that nobody knows about this. But they went out and spread the news about him throughout that region.” Matthew 9:27-31

That was a question Jesus Christ asked two men whom He clearly saw following Him and knew convincingly that they were completely and physically blind. But though these two men were physically blind, their actions showed something else in their lives and the answer they gave to His question expressed their expectations despite their physical blindness. These two men were physically blind, but their minds were not blind in anyway; they were blind but their mental and reasoning ability were not affected by their blindness; they were physically blind but spiritually alert; they were physically hindered in many ways but they were not spiritually hindered to know what Jesus Christ will do once they have an audience with Him. They had no ability to see in the physical but had the faith to see in the spiritual and had the mind to know beyond what they were and what people knew them to be, and they knew that with God all things are possible and that they will, and they can have their physical sights restored. They went to Christ through their spiritual conviction and obtained victory over their physical disability.   

Many people are over troubled by the difficulties they experience every day and everywhere, and that is seriously hindering their faith and their approach to things. When Christ Jesus finally had audience with these two blind men, He did not dismiss their actions; did not dismiss their desires, and did not dismiss their expectations from Him. He did not accuse them of sin, and did not ask of their background and the reasons they became blind. He asked ‘do you believe I can do this? And they answered yes. Faith always expresses our physical desires in a spiritual way and totally looks up to Christ Jesus for its subsequent fulfillment.

Every kind of miracle and divine blessings that we will ever desire and pray for in this life comes through our personal believes in Christ Jesus as our Lord and only savior and our dedication to follow that believe till the very last day of our lives. In every life situation, good or not so good, in every location and nation, irrespective of age and gender Christ is not asking for your doubts in life and in whatever situation you are experiencing now, He is clearly asking that you believe in Him, that you believe in what He can do, and that you believe in what He will do for you even in that very situation. Despite your all of your known and unknown weaknesses in life, despite all the known failures, the seen fears, the humiliating disappointments, Christ Jesus is asking, do you believe He can do something new for you? Do you believe He can turn your imaginations to realities? Do you believe you can receive that expectation despite the long period of waiting and despite what people are saying and the odds that you have come to be identified with? Christ Jesus is not asking you to express your fears and impossibilities to Him; He is asking for your open expression of believe for the world to hear.

What you actually believe in will definitely reflect in the kind of faith you maintain. These two men were blind, but their faith was active and effective to give them the miracle they needed. A miracle working faith does not depend on what we see but on what we believe and trust in life despite our situation. Faith comes through listening and hearing of God words; miracle comes through following and trusting what you have heard. What is your problem? Do you believe that Christ can set you absolutely? Do you believe in do this for you? Do you believe there is nothing impossible with Him? Yes, irrespective of the situation, I believe. For prayers, Click here