Post date: Jul 2, 2012 10:58:31 AM

It takes more than just courage, knowledge, ability, money and connection to step out an do the extraordinary things that had been bugging your mind all along. The desire and drive for success becomes more challenging when you know you have mounting physical, financial, or environmental disabilities coupled with a limiting, unfair and unjust regulations around you. It is always very annoying when you see others, not as endowed as you, not as eloquent as you, not as strong as you, doing well in the things you wish each day you would have dome without actually doing them. Who takes the blame? No one else but You.

Determination is the word that needs to be deliberately implanted in us and by us. Many of us have been inspired enough to take the plunge we deserve into the success we deserve and desire, but are still afraid and uncertain of its outcome. Look, uncertainty will always be there in everything we will ever do on earth, will always be there to challenge us, will always be a source of worry, fear and despair, and will always be a source of failure to those who upholds and reverence it. But when through determination we are able to overcome uncertainty, then we will be able to see our dreams, our visions, and our desires fulfilled and our success will come shining bright as God wants it to be.

Your success does not lie in your knowledge, ability, courage, wisdom and challenges you overcomes in life struggles alone. There are many factors that needs to be considered, but the greatest of them all is determination. It is like someone who is very hungry for something to eat, and seeing food suddenly lost appetite for what was badly needed. Your success lies in your continuous determination despite the odds against you to step out despising the uncertainty, the shame and the names that people will definitely call you. You will always have people who knows as much as you know, who have as much as you have, who are secured as much as you are, who are courageous and inspired as much as you are, but you will not have people who will be as determined as you are to take the next step in life in the field. That is what makes the difference.

Look at this scripture about a man with leprosy. “Large crowd followed Jesus as He came down the mountain. Suddenly, a man with leprosy approached Him and knelt before Him. Lord, the man said, if you are willing, you can heal me and make me clean. Jesus reached out and touched him. I am willing, he said. Be healed. And instantly the leprosy disappeared” Matthew 8:1-8

Leprosy is a disease with great shame, emotional and physical limitations, and in his time, it had many regulations governing those so afflicted, such as not coming close where the healthy ones are, not mixing with them and having nothing to do in the city. They were to stay in the outskirt of the city till they are healed.

But something happened to this man. Did you know that God is positioning you for some new and great? Despite on going regulations, this man was fortunate enough to be amongst the crowd to welcome Jesus Christ from the mountain. Move by determination, he decided to cast out his shame, default at the regulations, not bothered with people will say to him; he step out from the crowd to confront Christ Jesus with his belief, hope and desire while others were watching.

More than your thoughts, fears, uncertainties and concerns, do you know Jesus Christ is willing to help you? Is able to heal you? And will do it if you are determined enough to step out from the crowd? If you are ready to step out by faith and determination despite your disability and fears, then you will meet your expectations, desires, dreams, visions and hope in life.

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