Post date: Oct 3, 2013 1:43:05 AM

Your day might be gloomy and filled with all forms of trouble and your night may be very dark, fearful, and uncertain of what the next day may present to you with what you have been going through, but despite all the uncertainties, frustrations, fears, confusions, abuses, delays, denials, and desertion by friends and family, the assurance from your God is capable of turning all things around for your good forever. In all these things, in every situation, every profession and location you may have, you are more than conqueror through Christ Jesus your Lord, He had promised not to depart from you and He will not leave you comfortless and defeated in the day and in the night by the things that are lifting up their heads against you, your believe and your trust in your God. “I will not leave you as orphans, comfortless, desolate, bereaved, forlorn, helpless; I will come back to you. Just a little while now, and the world will not see Me anymore, but you will see Me; because I live, you will live also. At that time when that day comes you will know for yourselves that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” John 14:18-29

Though God will not wait until you are in trouble before speaking to you, it is not His desire that you will ever be in any trouble and He will do everything to get you out and bless. God is never silent and never absent to our plights in life despite you feelings and thoughts. He speaks always and is ever speaking back to us every moment of the day on issue that concerns us directly and indirectly. When He speaks, it will touch on our wellbeing at every moment, our welfare in every situation, and our overall destiny in life. There is no issue that God does not address and cannot speak on adequately, no situation He cannot deliver from and grant the safety you deserve, there is no individual in any location and profession that He cannot reach unto to deliver and set free from any form of physical or spiritual human oppression, wars, hostility and destruction. There is no situation that will ever be strange before Him and none had ever been.

When Paul had a thorn on his flesh and cried to God for healing and deliverance, God did not keep silent, He spoke back to him: “Three times I called upon the Lord and besought Him about this and begged that it might depart from me; But He said to me, My grace, My favor and loving-kindness and mercy is enough for you sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully; for My strength and power are made perfect, fulfilled and completed and show themselves most effective in your weakness. Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses and infirmities, that the strength and power of Christ the Messiah may rest yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell upon me” 2 Corinthians 12:9

When Jehoshaphat told God he did not know what to do next when he heard the news of the evil attack, but that his eyes and that of all his people were on Him for deliverance, protection and safety. In return God told him, even in your weakness, match down against them, do not be afraid, do not ever be discouraged because of what you see and hear; this is not going to be your battle, but mine. When he told God of his confusion, God told him to hold his peace. “The Lord says this to you: Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s. You shall not need to fight in this battle; take your positions, stand still, and see the deliverance of the Lord Who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Fear not nor be dismayed. Tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you” 2 Chronicles 20:15

Let nothing discourage you, let nothing make you feel abandoned, and let nothing condemn you; the Almighty God is with you for good. By His love and grace, you will not be disgraced because even on the cross and in the grave, Jesus Christ our Lord was not disgrace, and you will not be. Send your prayer request Click here