Post date: Apr 22, 2014 4:00:17 AM

Definitely, there are several things that you think and know will never change in your life and in the lives of people around you, this thinking and knowledge of yours is not because you do not trust that God can change them in you and for you; this thinking is because you have prayed and fasted several days and years for them to change on several occasions yet they have not changed; you have observed them closely in your life and in the lives of people around you for quite a while and they have not changed despite all the medical and scientific breakthrough.

But despite the power of the excellence of your plans and thoughts, combined with the very best of the knowledge of scientific and research evidences, God’s word on that situation are more powerful, more accurate, and quite capable of producing intended result despite the obvious knowledge and surrounding evidences. It is what God says that will matter at last, it is what He does that will come to stay, and it is what He had promised that will be fulfilled and is worth taking to heart and rejoicing over.   

In every street corner of every country, whether the roads are paved or not; in the lives of men and women of all ages, races, language, nationality and professions, there are several things that are there to worry about, to be angry about and to be concerned about. The things that make you to worry and to remain uncheerful in life may either be very small or very big, but the worry that comes along with them is bigger than you successfully handle even with the assistance that you are getting right now.

These things are fast becoming frightening impossibility to overcome, they have become things we wish should never had happen and we should never have experienced them in your lives. When we become uncheerful, discouragement sets in and we become unfruitful, weak in prayers, thoughts and in all other activities; when we become discourage, we start withdrawing from family and friends, from colleagues and from people who will want to encourage us, we start feeling insecure, fearful and mourn over things that does not even exist. This is the state that devil actually want us to be. But thanks be to God because He has a better plan for each of us, a better desires for us to fulfill, a better state than the state of despair, and He will definitely ensure we attain to what He had destined for us in life.    

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior declared what He had said before again to us today: “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer, take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted. For I have overcome the world. I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.” John 16:33

Despite what people and the devil are doing against you, against your entire life and aspirations, against that of your children, your spouse, job, family life, finance and health, Christ Jesus said, as long as you have come to believe in Him, to follow Him, have submitted yourself to Him, you should be cheerful because your peace and confidence in this very life will perfect be restored.

This restoration is not through your efforts, it is because Christ had overcome the world on your behalf. He had overcome all that had been of worry to you and all that had affected your life negatively. His victory on the cross and in everything else was your victory in all things now and in the future; only in Him alone are you completely victorious. He defeated the devil on your behalf, defeated death and hell and the power of the grave that you also will have the same victory. Above all else, He is walking through you and dwelling in you to achieve the very best that had been destined for you in this very life. With His victory, you can never and will never remain the same again. For prayers, Click here