Post date: Mar 5, 2014 5:00:24 AM

That is the question on the lips of many believers in their respective situations today. Let me give you this assurance; before that trouble came, God had been with you and working in you for the very best that will come to your life hereafter. Where you are right now will never be your very last and your very best on earth, it will never be your highest point of engagement and praise, and it will never be the place of your final testimony in life, something new and better is coming. 

God is taking you unto a higher and better ground in the things He had destined for you; a place where you will marvel with greater joy and remain in that state for a very lone time. He had been with you since the day you came forth from your mother’s womb; He had been magnifying His ways, His thoughts, and His testimonies in your life since the day you committed yourself to believe and follow Him. That relationship had not changed by your present circumstance.

Despite the situations today in your life, God had been leading you one step at a time and had been keeping you one step away from the destruction that wastes at night and in the day. He had been preserving you despite your several mistakes and misfortunes in life. Though you might not see or feel His presence; whenever you wake up each new morning, God is there by your side ready to take you through the day safely despite the news, the nightmares and the visions of the night. You do not need any form of physical or spiritual feelings in your body or in your dreams in the night to know, and to conclude that God is always with you. All you need to do is to continuously believe that He is with you despite the situations and the physical and the spiritual feelings of that day in question. Your God is bigger than your feelings and your situations.

When you step out of your bed, on your coffee table, in the bathroom and around your house, when you drop off your children and step into your office, God is there to order your step on the right path for that day; and even when you slip and fall off the path you should take that day, He is there to restore you and keep you going again.    

When the wind of affliction is against you or for you, when the pains of living is more than the pains of dying, when the wicked rage of the wicked is unabated; when the dreams and vision from God are not forth coming as expected, when your rights are taken way and your properties wrongly confiscated; when your promotions had been turned down and your appeal denied; when favor is not shown to you despite your efforts in the organization and when your juniors are made to lead and boss you, when the rain of blessing is delayed and the heavens above is like brass, know that God is still with you.

This situation had turned your thoughts around, instead of looking forward to the glorious days in Christ Jesus; you are looking at the present situations and magnifying them beyond what they should be. You may be saying or thinking has God forgotten me? Does He hate me? Why does He seem to hide Himself? Is my sin too big? Are my mistakes too grievous and unpardonable?  

David said: “Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence? If I ascend into heaven, you are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall fall on me, even the night shall be light about me; indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, but the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You.” Psalm 139:7-12.

Moses felt that way sometime in his walk with God and God was there to help him through. The great prophet Elijah asked that same question also. Job, Peter and many others did ask the same question. Our Lord Jesus Christ asked that question on the cross also. Remember, God is with you irrespective of the situation. For prayers, Click here