Post date: Aug 30, 2020 11:23:17 PM

You are not only beautiful or handsome; you were designed for much more. More than eyes could see, hearts could imagine, or described by the thoughts and wisdom of men. Your body did not just come together, they were exceptionally put together for something much more than making you who and what you are right now. You were intentionally designed for a purpose by the most competent and best designer. Every part of your body is a showcase of His perfection, of His personal intent, of His knowledge and of His purpose. All your body are uniquely put together by the Master, the Almighty God Himself. He did not assign your composition to any of the angels in heaven or the best medical scientist on earth; you were not composed by any of your parent's ideas, the Master made you by Himself, put you together by Himself, and brought you to life by Himself. You are the Master’s masterpiece on display, you are His finished work on the earth, perfectly done for the world to see. Irrespective of what people may say or think of you, irrespective of your thoughts and imaginations concerning yourself, your situation and your dreams for tomorrow; irrespective of all the condemnations, frustrations, disappointments, delays, likes and dislikes, you are the Master’s living perfect work on display walking the earth.

God made you with physical and spiritual attributes after His image and likeness; He gave you a unique physical shape, gift, and talents; He gave you distinguishing spiritual gifts; He spoke His words concerning you; He gave out His purpose concerning you and what He made in you, He guarded you through conception and birth, thereafter He handed you over to the Holy Spirit to perfect His word, His ways, His purpose, and bring you to the fullness of His design. He did not hand you over to be controlled by men’s knowledge, judgment, or wisdom for His purpose to be fulfilled. By the working power of His Spirit in your life, you will not miss God’s purpose, you will not miss His plans, you will not miss the date, the moment, and the month of the fulfillment of His purpose and plans irrespective of what Satan and his agents are doing to disgrace, destroy, or harm you. That is the reason Salvation is important and necessary.

This design is God made, and God-given, it is not the gift of the Holy Spirit, but it works in ways that men cannot imagine and will not be to take away, it works in ways that exposes you to the realities of what God had made, planned, and promised. He will take it from you, and Satan will not destroy it. David described the design this way; “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God, how vast is the sum of them? Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand, when I awake, I am still with you.” Psalms 139:13-18. This design cannot be affected by any adversity or the shame that people may want to associate you with because of what they see and know of you. It is affected by the evil of the day or the wickedness at night. You are God’s masterpiece of art on display.

God may allow Satan to touch you, but he will not take it away. You may be humiliated by your numerous failures and mistakes in life, but that cannot change God’s design or affect its purpose; loneliness and isolation, rejection and tears may be your everyday companion now, but that will change the day you recognize you were and you are the Master’s perfect design set to fulfill a great divine and unique purpose on earth. This is not somewhere else, but right you are now; it can begin and I pray it should begin. God’s plans will not fail, His design will not be destroyed, His purpose for your life has not changed. He will work His plans out in you and through you; He will establish His purpose and He will be glorified. For prayers, Click here