Post date: Nov 25, 2013 5:00:07 AM

The best of your imaginations are too small compared to what God will do with you when you walk in obedience to His words. Far beyond those imaginations, yes, that is exactly where the Almighty Father, the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords is taking you into in this very life. That is what you will soon begin to manifest as a living child of the living God. The sun, the moon and the stars were all made by Him and placed where they are right now and absolutely nothing, no power, no negative influence, no thoughts or satanic powers can take them out of the realm that God had placed them in the very beginning.

The human mind is a power house that is capable of imagining great extraordinary things which are far beyond the present day knowledge and capability, but yet in that same state, the very best of such imagination can never give human beings the least glimpse of what God is doing, intend to do in the lives of all those who diligently obey His words and follow His ways.

You cannot abandon your thoughts, your wisdom and your knowledge for that of the Lord God and go empty handed without a reward that exceeds your predictions or that of any man in your entire life. The reward from God always exceeds all that we have left behind or given away. The blessings that followed Isaac after abandoning his thoughts, his ways and his knowledge was far what could ever happen to anyone in the middle of a severe famine In a strange country.

It is good to imagine the very best for your life and to pray and expect it, but God will never limit you to your imaginations neither will He limit your blessings to only what you can imagine in the best of your time. “But, on the contrary, as the Scripture says, What eye has not seen and ear has not heard and has not entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared, made and keep ready for those who love Him, who hold Him in affectionate reverence, promptly obeying Him and gratefully recognizing the benefits He has bestowed.” 1 Corinthian 2:9

While God desires to take you high and above all the apparatus that limits people in life, He wants you to walk in obedience to His words and not in the imaginations of your heart and the visions of your eyes, because His words are far higher than all things and His ways are more perfect, error proved and without limitations by either physical or spiritual things.

God will not limit the best of your imaginations but ignorance to who God is, what He can do in your life, in that of your children, in that of your spouse, and in your profession and calling; what He intends to do in that situation you are considering, and what He will do when you walk in His obedience, coupled with sin, selfishness and disobedience will surely limit you in this life.

God will not limit your dreams and visions because dreams and vision are just road maps to where God intend to begin the next phase of your life, but your refusal to believe those dreams and visions He gave you, those which are scriptural, acceptable and true, and invest positively in them, coupled with the power of sin, false believe and disobedience will surely limit you.

God will not limit your desires but greed and disobedience will limit it. God will not limit your prayer; do not allow human philosophy to limit you. God will not limit the size of the seed you sow, do not allow human minds to limit you. God will not limit the size of your blessings neither will He limit you to places that will not benefit you and advance His course on earth.

Are you thinking of next year, next location, next blessings, and next job? The very best of any of your imaginations are too small; God holds your ultimate, trust Him for the very best and obey His words. For prayers Click here