Post date: Feb 27, 2018 5:04:53 AM

Every salvation that is through God’s love, mercies, and forgiveness by Jesus Christ is guaranteed to give victory and is genuine, irrespective of your feelings, what you see, or what you may be hearing concerning your aspirations, dreams, desires, and what people are saying, what the devil is saying, and doing in your life, your children, your business, your finances, your marriage, and your work. There is a great transforming power in the salvation that God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had already given to you as a possession, and you will have to activate that power to work in your life and through you by reminding yourself that you were saved to fulfil a purpose assigned by the Almighty Father in heaven to you and not by Satan, not by yourself, and never by any man. You were not saved to remain a victim, and you were not born again to remain irrelevant. God did not give you the grace to have dreams, visions, or revelations, and continue in failing and wondering thoughts or to remain in captivity but to take you out of captivity, to give you a purpose to focus on and a direction to follow.

Without a genuine salvation, all of your payers, visions, dreams, revelations, desires, prophesy, and every other form of boldness that you will ever have will never open the doors of heaven for you, will never bring you into favour with God; will never guarantee any benefit or sustain you for a long time when trouble comes, and you will never be able to reap all the fullness of what those good things should have yielded in your life. Without genuine salvation, you will forever remain the devil’s tool under captivity and in continuous torture irrespective of the good things you are doing in any form or to anyone. It is only the power in genuine salvation that enables the power in the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of God to be very effective in you, on you, and through you in all things. When God gives you a dream, a vision, a desire, or a revelation, He wants you to do something with it; He wants you to follow a specific direction; He wants you to bring forth fruits in His name; He wants you to stand up and go, and He wants you to be a success.

True and genuine salvation gives both spiritual and physical strength in all things, gives inner joy and outer rejoicing that can come only from God alone. It gives assurance in what is happening now and what will happen tomorrow; it gives boldness beyond the ordinary to stand up to the truth in Him and confront the devil concerning your heavenly rights to successfully pursue your visions, dreams, and desires; it gives you the peace you deserve now to be totally focused with greater determination to move forward and get hold on every promise of God for your life. Genuine salvation guarantees the blessings from God will come despite frustrations you have experienced before, the delays you have now; it guarantees that the grace of the Almighty God will be multiplied in and for you, and will be sustained until you are fully established in the things that God had destined for you in life. Abraham was established in the blessings such that generations after him are still reaping from that foundation of Abraham’s blessings. What was that foundation? Believe what God had said, follower after His words and directions, walk in obedience even when you are not sure of what tomorrow may bring, and remain faithful and committed to His words irrespective of the physical situations and the words of men that may be contrary to what God had said to you in the dream, vision, or revelation. “My son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; open your ears to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing and health to all their flesh. Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life. Put away from you a deceitful lying, misleading mouth, and put devious lips far from you. Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Consider well and watch carefully the path of your feet, and all your ways will be steadfast and sure. Do not turn away to the right nor to the left; turn your foot from evil.” Proverbs 4:20-27. For prayer Click here