Post date: Apr 11, 2017 11:53:58 PM

The cross you are carrying right now came because you have a mission; I want you to know that without a mission, there is no cross and you would not be alive. Christ came into the world for a mission by the will of God the father to do many things, one of which was to die a purposeful dead on the cross but He was not seeking people who will kill Him; He fulfilled all He came for before the cross. He came for a mission scheduled for all humanity; in the assigned mission, He was assured of success irrespective of the powers that will seek to hinder Him from the earth or beneath the earth. Christ Jesus came because He was sent; He did what He did because it was required of Him to do them; He was enabled by the Father, and He went to the cross because it was part of the requirement to complete the mission. It is good to know that Christ did not miss any part of His mission; everything was done right and well; all He did conform to the plans, and the will of His Father. Our mission is with a purpose and God will give us the grace needed.

There is no cross without a mission; no mission without a message and no mission will succeed without a messenger. You are God’s messenger. The road to accomplishing your mission may be rough, but you will end well; the road may be difficult, but you will receive grace to stand till the joy comes. The end will be according to God’s plans, it will be according to His will, it will give you joy and will gladden His heart. When God send anyone on a mission, no power will hinder the mission, and no situation will stop the person from seeing the result. God had called you to fulfill a mission; it is assured that you will succeed irrespective of the cross before you and the ones that will come later. The God who enabled you to see this day will keep you to see the day that mission will succeed; His grace to succeed will never diminish because of the afflictions and temptations seeking to destroy your testimony. At every moment in this mission, His grace will perfectly sustain, defend, and uphold you till the day of your glory before other children of God waiting for their celebration through the testimony of your victory.

It is good to do our physical and spiritual best at all moments; it is good that we do not give in to the pains and trials by the wicked; it is good that we do not give up because of words and actions seeking to humiliate, confuse, discourage and disappoint us; it is good to keep our expectations in God alive despite the situations we face; people will seek to make us look miserable and have miserable thoughts concerning our future, our faith and our faithfulness to God all these years, but in all things the God who assigned the mission knows we can do it right and He will be there to prove Himself right in the things He had sent us. The journey to the cross was not an easy one, but it was very necessary for our good and the good of all who will ever believe and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. But we will by His grace overcome every cross we face. “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor in God’s throne.” Hebrews 12:2

Christ Jesus went to that cross with full knowledge of the pains He would receive; He knew He would be insulted and humiliated; He knew He would be scourged and beaten; He knew He would be stripped naked and given a cross to carry; He knew He would be mocked and watched by many people; He knew He would be treated unfairly irrespective of the defends and plea He would offer; He knew despite the unjust judge, the unjust judicial council examining Him, and the unjust and unrighteousness religious leaders willing to testify against Him that His Father will never leave Him and will not forsake Him. He knew He did what was right before His father before that day and He knew He was also doing what was necessary and right by submitting Himself for any action they would take, but above all He did not go to the cross with sadness because He knew the result before that day. You will have a good result. For Prayers Click here